Infographic: America’s Septic Systems
Nearly one-fifth of U.S. households are not connected to a public sewer.
More than 21 million households in the United States use septic systems — not a public sewer — to trap and filter their toilet waste.
The underground tanks are most common in rural areas, especially in New England and the Deep South. They are an often overlooked source of water pollution and disease transmission.
In the graphic below, the top map shows the portion of homes in each state that use septic systems. Darker colors indicate a higher percentage. Vermont tops the chart, with 55 percent of homes on septic. The data is from 1990, which is the most recent state-level septic system assessment. The U.S. Census Bureau, which collected the data, stopped doing so for states and counties after 1990 because no federal agency regulates septic systems. A national estimate, from a much smaller sample size, is completed every two years as part of the American Housing Survey.
Many homes are still being built with septic systems. The bottom map shows the portion of homes built in 2013 that came with septic systems. The trend follows historic geographical patterns: more than half of new homes in New England did not connect to a public sewer.
This graphic was made to accompany the article America’s Spreading Septic Threat by Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton. Contact Brett Walton or by @waltonwater on Twitter.
is both a scientist and a journalist, she holds an MS in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University, and she brings proficiency in ESRI’s ArcGIS mapping software.
For at-risk areas, connecting to an adequate public sewer system is the most satisfactory and trouble-free method of disposing of domestic sewage from private residences. Where access to a public sewer system is unfeasible or too expensive, proper siting and design of an onsite sewage system is critical to avoid its premature failure.
I didn’t know that not all households didn’t have a septic system. Mine seems to be leaking. I’ll have to consider getting a plumber to do an inspection.
I didn’t know that Vermont used the most septic systems. Or, does that mean they have the highest per-capita use? I’ll have to have a tank installed on my proper.
This infographic is a great resource for raising awareness about septic systems! It’s surprising to see how many households in the US rely on them. The breakdown by state is particularly informative.
Understanding the importance of proper septic system maintenance is crucial for homeowners who rely on them. Does your organization have any resources or recommendations for homeowners who want to learn more about septic system care and maintenance?
More than 21 million homes in the U.S. utilize septic systems. And come time for the holidays, those septic systems get put under a lot of stress