Bulk Water Companies Face Challenges Before Shipments Start From Alaska

Many companies have previously failed at bulk water shipments.

Great Lakes States Sue Federal Government Over Asian Carp Threat

The recent discovery of a live carp close to Lake Michigan may bolster the states’ case, legal expert says.

Secretary Clinton Announces Pakistan Water Program

U.S. aid projects focus on city water systems, clean drinking water, dam construction and irrigation.

Q&A: Mission Plastiki—Catching Wind, Storing Rain: David de Rothschild’s Quest for Pacific Plastic

Following the Plastiki's journey 11,000 miles through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch--a Texas-sized gyre of plastic litter.
Ugandans Return Home

Ugandans Return Home to a Demolished Water Infrastructure

More than 20 years of conflict in northern Uganda have led to an abandoned and destroyed water infrastructure, as most citizens lack access to sanitary drinking water.

Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam

As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.

New York Times Covers Circle of Blue’s Breaking Story on Bulk Water Exports

Firm Seeks ‘Blue Gold’ in Alaska "The water will come…

Computerworld Features Circle of Blue’s QlikView Mobile Adventure

"Nonprogrammer builds nonprofit's mobile dashboard with ease." Mobile…

Desert’s Stronger Grip Shakes Inner Mongolia

Circle of Blue revisits seas of dying grass and blowing sand in northern China.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’

California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

Alaska City Set to Ship Water to India, U.S. Company Announces

Within six to eight months, S2C Global Systems will ship water from Alaska to a hub in India.

GE’s Ecomagination: Will There Be Enough Water To Power The Future?

"There are two active and two abandoned coal mines in southwest…