Alfonso Gonzalez is a cattle farmer who actively participates in conservation initiatives around Cuatro Ciénegas.  In one effort, a  pond on his property was restored to its original state, leading the area around it to regenerate humidity and lush flora and fauna.

Q&A: Raúl Garciadiego Helps Restore Access to Water in the Tehuacán Valley

The people who inhabit Tehuacán Valley in southeast Mexico humanize one of the greatest global crises.

Divining Destiny – Tehuacán, Mexico Field Team

Brent Stirton is the senior staff photojournalist for Getty Images and his work from the front lines of the world’s conflicts and crises is seen regularly in major international magazines. He has a rare gift for expressing compassion through his lens. His drive to tell the critical yet complex global story of water has led to some of the most powerful imagery to date.

Photo Slideshow: Divining Destiny in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Newsweek's Latin America bureau chief and a top Getty photographer from South Africa were among the team that produced the content seen here.

Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

SPECIAL APPRECIATION to the Ford Foundation for investing in the power of the human story, well told.

Map and Statistics – Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Tehuacán, meaning ‘Place of Stones’ in the native language of Nahuatl, is a centuries old city that lies in the Mexican state of Puebla, roughly 150 miles southeast of Mexico City.

Great Lakes Cleanup to Get $2.2 Billion in Federal Funding

The EPA plan aims to clean up top pollution sites and establish a “zero tolerance policy” toward invasive species

Coastal Fog Trend Could Harm Iconic Redwoods

New study finds that lower levels of fog could leave coast redwoods more susceptible to drought damage. Reduced amounts of fog cover during the summer could be troublesome for the coast redwoods.

Water, Not al-Qaeda, is Yemen’s Main Domestic Concern, Experts Say

Yemen made headlines last Christmas as the training ground for the man who attempted to blow up an airplane two months ago, but a more immediate concern for the people living in the country is a rapidly dwindling supply of freshwater.

Tehuacán: Destino a la Divina (En Español)

Conforme a los estándares del México rural, Francisca Rosas Valencia no tiene el aspecto de los líderes de la comunidad.

Remembering Community Leader Francisca Rosas Valencia

Valencia spent much of her life teaching others in southeast rural Mexico, and beyond, how to live sustainably.

Drought, Climate Change Jeopardize Global Hydropower Policies

Less precipitation + more extreme droughts = electricity shortages.

Peter Gleick: Turf Wars

Climate change is expected to bring less precipitation and more extreme droughts to certain parts of the world, causing electricity shortages in hydro-reliant countries.