The Stream, April 27: Drought Pushes Farmers To India’s Cities

The Global Rundown

Poor economic prospects after two years of drought are leading more families in India to abandon their farms in search of jobs in the cities. As a result, more are vulnerable to human trafficking, according to humanitarian activists. In China, drought and urban expansion combined to dry up one city’s water supplies. Cambodia announced plans to aid regions hit by its worst drought in 50 years. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the country needs a new plan to protect drinking water.

“No one in the village had water. We had no choice but to come here.” –Jaya Kummari, a rice farmer from Andhra, India, on her family’s decision to move to Mumbai to escape a drought that has destroyed their crops and left little water to drink. (Guardian)

By The Numbers

200,000 people Number living in Lintao, China, where water supplies dried up earlier this year, leaving residents to rely on water deliveries. Marketplace

18 provinces Number in Cambodia that are experiencing water shortages due to the worst drought in 50 years. The government announced plans to truck in water to the worst-hit areas. Reuters

Science, Studies, and Reports

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is set to release an action plan for developing a new roadmap to protect the country’s drinking water by the end of the year, according to an agency official. The official said a new national plan is needed in the wake of the lead-contaminated water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Reuters

On The Radar

Humanitarian activists in India warned that the country’s deep drought could expose more women and children to human trafficking. The drought is forcing rural families to separate or move to cities in search of work, leaving them vulnerable. Reuters

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