Study Finds Water Accessibility Challenges in Vanuatu

A study conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that access to safe and reliable water in two provinces in Vanuatu is a greater challenge for menstruating women, people with disabilities, and those with incontinence.

The Water, Women, and Disability study highlighted that while 93 percent of people are likely to collect water themselves, only 66 percent of people with disabilities were able to do so. Those who did collect water felt unsafe due to fears of abuse from others. The study also noted the distance and inaccessibility of latrines and sanitation stations as a challenge for those with disabilities, and the importance of this access during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report analyzed 11,446 households and 56,402 individuals in Vanuatu. According to the Vanuatu Ministry of Health, there have been no confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the island as of July 15.

The study was conducted in partnership with World Vision and funded by the Australian government’s Water for Women Fund.

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