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1346 search results for: California Drought


The Stream, December 6: Melting Arctic Ice Could Worsen California Drought

The Global Rundown A U.S. District Court Judge orders Dakota Access Pipeline operators to develop an oil spill response plan. Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region declares a state of emergency due to severe drought. Three companies are sued over water contamination in west Michigan. Testing reveals heavy metals in Hong Kong household water. Researchers find a […]


The Stream, April 10: California Drought Emergency Declared Over

The Global Rundown Officials declared California’s severe drought at an end last week, more than five years after it began. Damage from extensive flooding in Peru is expected to cost billions of dollars to repair. The Great Barrier Reef has suffered two consecutive years of mass coral bleaching, a problem exacerbated by poor water quality. […]


The Stream, June 20: Snowmelt Won’t Relieve California Drought

The Global Rundown State agencies forecast snowmelt from California’s Sierra Nevada mountains will amount to just three-quarters of normal levels this year, prolonging the state’s drought. Low water levels in India’s Rajasthan state are delaying crop planting, wile high water levels in Germany have closed a section of the Rhine River to shipping. Scientists warn […]


California Drought and Strengthening El Nino Accelerate Statewide Water Transition

New infrastructure, laws, and practices help the state respond to hydrologic extremes, but more are needed. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue California’s canal system moves water hundreds of miles from the Sierra Nevada foothills to Los Angeles and San Diego. Adapting to 21st century water conditions requires less reliance on energy-hungry […]