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363 search results for: Kenya


The Stream, November 9, 2021: Drought Worsens Throughout Kenya

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Drought is driving residents out of southern Iraq’s once infamous marshlands and killing of livestock. Newark, New Jersey replaces nearly all of its lead service lines in only three years. A water crisis in a small town in northern Canada has cost officials more than one million dollars in less than a […]


The Stream, October 23, 2020: Thousands of Kenyans Can’t Walk Due To High Fluoride Levels in Water

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN High fluoride levels in Kenya’s Lake Baringo have caused a bone-weakening disease that has left many villagers unable to walk. Environmental and human rights groups sue the Department of Homeland Security for potential environmental pollution caused by the use of teargas in Portland, Oregon. Maryland residents have nearly $60 million due in […]


Kenyan Youth-led Groups Take Lead on Covid-19 Prevention

Youth-led organizations in Kenya are working to stop the spread of Covid-19 in informal settlements by building handwashing stations, according to UN-Habitat. With support from UN-Habitat and other government, non-profit, and private partners, there have been an estimated 1.5 million hands washed since the work began 5 months ago. The “One Stop Centers” started with […]


HotSpots H2O, September 17: Tribal Clashes Leave Several Dead In Kenya as Resources, Aid Dry Up

The Rundown Water shortages are stirring unrest across Kenya. In the Rift Valley, tribal clashes over water and pasture are common. Both domestic tribes and those from neighboring countries, including South Sudan and Ethiopia, spar frequently. In the past week, six Turkana herdsmen were shot dead near the Kenya-South Sudan border. Elsewhere in the Rift […]


The Stream, June 14: Nairobi, Kenya, Seeks New Water Sources as Supply Falls

The Global Rundown Nairobi, Kenya, seeks new water sources amid faltering rainfall. The mayor of Flint, Michigan, pledges to fight “unwarranted” state oversight of the city’s water system. South Africa lifts its drought national disaster as dry conditions ease. New research shows that annual storm-related flood damages could double as coral reefs die off. Water […]


HotSpots H2O, May 21: Drought, Then Floods, Destabilize Kenya

The Rundown In recent years, Kenya has grappled with recurring drought. The dry spells are detrimental to agriculture and force many Kenyans to travel long distances for water. An estimated 2.4 million Kenyans are food insecure, and many lack access to clean drinking water. Resource shortages and political disputes trigger a variety of conflicts in […]