Entries by Brett Walton

Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012

News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events — BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, for example, or Japan’s earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear catastrophes in 2011 — but some events come with advance warning. Here is a preview of the water news to look for in 2012. Photo © Aubrey Ann Parker/Circle […]

Federal Water Tap, January 2: A New Day for Old Works

Chicago’s Sewers The sewer district for metropolitan Chicago has set a timetable for a completing a four-decade-old tunnel and reservoir project that will reduce sewer overflows into Lake Michigan, according to an agreement signed in December with the U.S. Justice Department. By 2029 the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District must complete the remaining two reservoirs in […]

Federal Water Tap, December 26: Keystone Deadline

Pipeline Expedition The U.S. House of Representatives passed a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut. Included in the deal was a provision requiring President Barack Obama to make a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline within 60 days. Earlier this year, the president said he would delay any action on the proposed 1,700-mile oil […]

The Stream, December 20: Water Rights Lawsuits

New Mexico is suing the federal government over water allocations from a Bureau of Reclamation water project. The state, according to KRQE in Albuquerque, claims that the project is supplying irrigation districts in Texas with more water than is legally permitted. Oklahoma’s water resources agency has authorized its legal representatives to sue to adjudicate water […]

The Stream, December 19: The Price of Reliable Water in Texas

The Texas state water plan, released every five years, recommends spending $53 billion on hundreds of water infrastructure projects to ensure an adequate supply through 2060. The state, the Associated Press reports, is relying on municipal governments to carry out much of the plan. But with local budgets pinched and costs rising (the 2007 plan […]

Federal Water Tap, December 19: Less Money, More Problems

Budget and Taxes On Sunday the House Republican leadership backed away from a tax deal that passed the Senate a day earlier, according to the New York Times. The Senate bill to extend the payroll tax cut included a provision, requested by Republicans, that would force President Barack Obama to issue a permit within 60 […]

Plumbing WikiLeaks: Water’s Role in U.S. Foreign Aid

Diplomatic cables show that the U.S. State Department aims to strike a balance between the need for diplomatic dances and the desire to produce tangible results from on-the-ground projects. Photo credit USAID Children in Nawa, Afghanistan, fill their containers with fresh running water. USAID and U.S. Forces are working together to ensure that Afghan citizens […]

The Stream, December 13: Climate Quandary

Delegates to the climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa, kicked the can down the road, agreeing to extend the Kyoto Protocol by five years and eventually to draw up a new agreement that would take effect by 2020. The day after the conference, Canada announced that it will withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, becoming the […]

The Stream, December 12: Energy Projects Search for Water

An Australian company found a water supply for one of the largest unmined coal deposits in South Africa. Resource Generation will build and operate a wastewater treatment plant in a nearby community, Mining Weekly reports. In return, the company will receive rights to the treated effluent, which will be sent through a pipeline to the […]

Federal Water Tap, December 12: A Gnarly Year

2011 ‘Tis the season for reflection. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration looks back at a year of extreme weather and finds a record number of events that caused more than $1 billion in damage. Starting with a January blizzard in the Midwest and continuing through floods and fires, drought and heat, a spate of […]

Federal Water Tap, December 5: Pakistan and the Arctic

Pakistan A high-level official from the U.S. State Department met with counterparts from Pakistan last month during the fourth water “dialogue” between the two countries. The U.S. government has given Pakistan money for irrigation, hydroelectric, and water supply projects under the Kerry-Berman-Lugar bill—legislation signed in 2009 that authorizes $7.5 billion in aid to Pakistan. Pakistan […]

Federal Water Tap, November 28: Public Opinions Wanted

Water Meetings Three meetings under the Environmental Protection Agency’s water umbrella will take place in the next two weeks. On December 5, the Science Advisory Board will have a teleconference to discuss the value of water to the U.S. economy. The agency is looking for information about how clean water affects development patterns and how […]