Entries by Brett Walton

UN to Vote on Declaring Water a Human Right

The United Nations General Assembly will begin debating, and possibly vote on, a contentious and historic right-to-water resolution today.

Bulk Water Companies Face Challenges Before Shipments Start From Alaska

Many companies have previously failed at bulk water shipments.

Secretary Clinton Announces Pakistan Water Program

U.S. aid projects focus on city water systems, clean drinking water, dam construction and irrigation.

Alaska City Set to Ship Water to India, U.S. Company Announces

Within six to eight months, S2C Global Systems will ship water from Alaska to a hub in India.

Alaska Receives New Applications for Bulk Water Removal

While bulk water sales haven’t been completed, three new applications show interest is still strong.

Countries Move Forward with Nile Treaty Despite Egypt’s Objections

A weekend meeting of the Nile basin water ministers does not resolve treaty impasse.

$US9.3 Billion Spent to Protect Watersheds in 2008, Report Says

A report by researchers at Ecosystem Marketplace is the first to catalogue the dollar value of payments to landowners for watershed protection.

Himalayan Outburst Lakes May Be Increasing GLOFs

More research needed to understand risk of glacial floods.

Report Suggests Repealing Canadian Bulk Water Bans

The Fraser Institute, a right-leaning Canadian think tank, wants a shift in government water policy.

Blooming Controversy: What Is Killing the Wildlife in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha?

Drought, flower farms, and pesticides are damaging the already shallow lake.

Natural Gas Found in Aral Sea’s Dry Bed

Test wells produce the first significant volumes of gas, confirming speculation about gas reserves in the region.

X-Rays Mark the Spot to Drill for Water in Chad

Magnetic imaging lets scientists peer beneath the surface to see exactly where groundwater sources are located.