Entries by Brett Walton

New Protected Status for Lake Chad Highlights World Wetlands Day

Countries across the globe celebrated World Wetlands Day on February 2 by designating national preserves and vowing to protect wetlands from climate change and maintain biodiversity.

Chinese Farms Generate More Water Pollution than Factories

Study shows 2007 discharges were double previous estimates.

Pakistan Negotiates Domestic, International Water Disputes

Indus River System Authority discuss the Sindh province’s accusation that Punjab is stealing water.

Brazil Approves Construction of Controversial Dam in the Amazon

Brazil’s government issued an environmental license for the Belo Monte dam on an Amazon tributary.

Texas Water District Gets Funds for Pipeline Project

The pipeline will connect three reservoirs in order to save money on energy costs. The Tarrant Regional Water District received approval for a $101 million loan to finance part of a 180-mile pipeline serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the Texas Water Development Board announced in January.

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Mississippi’s Claims against Memphis

The United States Supreme Court declined to hear a lawsuit claiming that Memphis is pumping too much water out of a shared aquifer, the Memphis Commercial Appeal reports.

Saudi Arabia to Use Solar Energy for Desalination Plants

New initiative will decrease the country’s reliance on oil for its electrical needs.

Haitian Earthquake Provides Lessons for Similarly Vulnerable Countries

As recovery efforts in Haiti focus on supplying clean water to a region in which the water infrastructure was destroyed, a Maltese engineer thinks his earthquake-prone country, which sits just south of Sicily, could face a similar crisis

China May Relocate 300,000 from Three Gorges Region

Water pollution and river bank instability pose more serious problems than expected on the reservoir banks.

Colorado Developer Provides Customer List for Proposed Water Pipeline

Colorado’s potential water demand from a proposed water pipeline originating in Wyoming is 50 percent more than the amount proposed for delivery, according to documents submitted yesterday to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Putin Approves Waste Discharges into Lake Baikal

A decree signed last week by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will allow a paper mill on the shore of Lake Baikal to resume dumping sewage and waste water into the lake.

Israel Increases Rates to Pay for Desalinated Water

On January 1 Israel’s national water company Mekorot raised water rates by 25 percent in order to pay for the incorporation of desalinated water into the national water system.