Entries by Brett Walton

Oregon Capital Battles Algal Toxins in Drinking Water

Toxins result in ‘do not drink’ advisory for Salem, the latest U.S. city challenged by cyanobacteria.

Federal Water Tap, June 11: Water Affordability Bill Introduced in Congress

The Rundown California senator champions a water affordability bill. The EPA wants to reassess cost-benefit analysis. Defense spending authorization bill addresses firefighting chemicals and military water use. The House passes an Army Corps authorization while a committee moves forward an EPA spending bill. The TVA changes how it manages coal ash at one of its […]

Kentucky AG Investigates Rural Water System That Has Been Failing for Decades

Kentucky’s top lawyer opens inquiry into the management of the troubled Martin County Water District.

Federal Water Tap, June 4: Regulators Approve Expert Panel to Guide Klamath Dam Removal

The Rundown Columbia River Treaty talks begin. More deaths in the E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce. Energy regulators approve an expert committee to guide Klamath dam removal. Federal climate change spending is undercounted, GAO finds. EPA watchdogs note progress in Atlanta’s sewer repairs, but the city still is not complying with spill permits. […]

In USAID Redesign, Water Is Grouped with Food and Climate

Will sanitation and hygiene get lost in the organizational shuffle?

Price of Water 2018: Utilities Revise Household Water Rate Formulas

Small increase in prices but some significant adjustments to water bill calculations.

Federal Water Tap, May 29: Michigan Congressman Asks EPA Watchdog to Investigate PFAS Meeting Access

The Rundown The EPA restricts press access at its perfluorinated chemicals conference. Senators comment on the EPA’s groundwater pollution stance. EPA publishes two standards to guide testing of unregulated contaminants in drinking water. NOAA forecasts an average number of major hurricanes this season. And lastly, federal scientists say there is still large uncertainty about the […]

Federal Water Tap, May 21: PFAS Obstruction, Lead Rule Delay, GRACE Launch, Farm Bill Fail

The Rundown It’s all in the headline this week. Under fire for the administration’s objections to the release of a health study, the EPA prepares for its perfluorinated chemicals conference. NASA sets the launch date for the sequel to the GRACE satellites. Farm bill fails in the House. A House committee introduces its version of […]

Federal Water Tap, May 14: Colorado River Forecast Shows Greater Risk of Shortage

The Rundown Drying of the American Southwest continues, while Great Lakes water levels are above normal. Senators introduce a bipartisan water infrastructure bill. The EPA cancels a proposed groundwater pollution rule and decides not to revise water quality standards for swimming. Federal health researchers outline the first phase of a perfluorinated chemicals health study on […]

Water Debt Not on the Menu in Baltimore’s Tax Sale Season

City and state officials take steps to keep residents from losing homes because of overdue water bills.

Federal Water Tap, May 7: NASA Set to Launch Sequel to Water-Tracking GRACE Satellite

The Rundown Follow up to successful GRACE mission is scheduled to launch May 19. DOE report shows U.S. hydropower is growing by going small. A pair of water infrastructure funding bills are introduced in the House and Senate. A Utah representative moves to eliminate a desert lakes restoration program. The EPA looks at management of […]

Federal Water Tap, April 30: House Passes Bill to Protect Snake River Dams, Invalidate Court Ruling

The Rundown The House votes for constraints on dam operations in the Columbia River basin. A Defense Department official discusses the military’s strategy for addressing perfluorinated chemicals in drinking water. Senators introduce septic system aid bills. A health agency analysis shows links between drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune and cancer. The House passes a […]