Entries by Brett Walton

2017 Preview: Window of Opportunity for U.S. Department of Agriculture

Can the USDA make inroads for water quality and water infrastructure where the EPA has struggled? By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Her appointment as the nation’s top air and water regulator nearing its end, Gina McCarthy is on a confessional tour. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator spoke candidly in recent months about the […]

2017 Preview: Flint Lead and Infrastructure Troubles Remain

Flint drinking water is not the wreck it was, but it is still not lead-free. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue 2017 will be a year of transition for Flint. The city pivots from an emergency response to elevated lead levels in drinking water and children’s blood to something more mundane: long-term management of a […]

Federal Water Tap, January 2: Land Use Politics Touch Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Utah, and Washington

The Rundown Michigan and Ohio representatives call for the EPA to label western Lake Erie “impaired.” Regulators propose to withdraw more than 340,000 acres of Washington’s Methow Valley from mining activity. President Obama declares national monuments in Nevada and Utah. Federal science agency debuts an interactive snow data display. Energy regulators say that environmental harm […]

Federal Water Tap, December 26: EPA, As Planned, Decreases Pollution Inspections

The Rundown The EPA inspects fewer facilities to focus on big-money enforcement cases. The EPA also lists 29 unregulated drinking water contaminants that certain utilities will monitor, to understand how frequently they are found in water systems. The Interior Department finalizes a rule to defend streams from coal mining damage. The head of the EPA […]

EPA Turns Away from CAFO Water Pollution

Inspections and enforcement have declined since 2011, but fines for all pollution increased. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Federal inspections of cattle and hog feedlots, turkey houses, and other animal feeding operations dropped for a fourth consecutive year, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data. The number of fines and orders to change management […]

Federal Water Tap, December 19: Obama Administration Blocks Mine in Minnesota Wilderness

The Rundown U.S. Forest Service rejects renewal of two mining leases near the Boundary Waters in northeastern Minnesota. DuPont agrees to pay $US 50 million to cleanup mercury pollution in a Virginia river. The EPA’s final report on hydraulic fracturing identifies cases of water pollution at all stages of the water cycle in oil and […]

Alabama Risks Lives with No Dam Oversight

Only state without a dam safety program. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Bruce Tschantz is direct about Alabama’s insistence that monitoring and inspecting dams is not needed. “If you live in Alabama below a dam you’re basically taking a life risk,” Tschantz told Circle of Blue. Tschantz brought dam safety to national attention as […]

U.S. Dam Safety Improves But Faces Evolving Risks

No fatal dam failures in last decade, but plenty of warnings. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue All was quiet at the Fehring house before the flood came. It was before dawn on March 14, 2006. The family was asleep, unaware of trouble upstream. The Ka Loko Dam, strained by six weeks of heavy tropical […]

Federal Water Tap, December 12: House and Senate Pass the Turducken of Water Infrastructure Bills

The Rundown Water infrastructure bill delivers a lot of meat and a panful of drippings. EPA survey finds nutrient pollution is biggest stressor for U.S. lakes. EPA drinking water advisory group discusses lead and unregulated contaminants. The number of dams in the United States increases in new survey. To aid wetland health, Lake Ontario water […]

After Flint Failure, EPA Refocuses Federal Drinking Water Role

Agency notes that safe water is a communal effort. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The lead contamination scandal that unraveled in Flint the last two years and the failure of local, state, and federal officials to address it brought drinking water safety to the forefront of U.S. public policy. For good reason. Twenty-seven million […]

Potomac River Agreement Reached By West Virginia, Maryland

Neighbors come to terms on river water permits. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue West Virginia’s attorney general says that a lawsuit over the authority to withdraw water from the Potomac River will not be necessary after Maryland officials agreed to relinquish control of the permitting process. “I welcome Maryland’s willingness to cease its efforts […]

Federal Water Tap, December 5: Army Corps Denies Dakota Access Pipeline Easement

The Rundown In a partial win for protesters, the Army Corps will reassess the route of the Dakota Access pipeline. It was a busy week for the EPA: the agency released a new drinking water strategy. An EPA regional office, meanwhile, rates an Army Corps review of a proposed Columbia River coal terminal as “inadequate.” […]