Entries by Brett Walton

Manmade Flood Gives Life to Colorado River Delta

A battered ecosystem begins to recover. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue On March 23, 2014, the gates were opened wide at Morelos Dam on the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona. For the next eight weeks, water pitched into the dry bed of the Colorado River, wetting its delta like the spring floods that coursed […]

Federal Water Tap, October 24: Interior Department Supports Klamath Dam Removal

The Rundown The Interior secretary sends letter of support to hydropower regulators for Klamath dam removal. The White House joins with local agencies to offer or recommend more than $US 800 million for Puget Sound ecosystems. A government watchdog reviews water affordability in 10 cities with shrinking populations and old water systems. An EPA internal […]

Virginia Officials Recognize Groundwater Pumping Allows Sea To Rush In

Reversing aquifer decline will test state oversight and local response. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The Tidewater region of eastern Virginia, swayed daily by the ebb and flow of the Chesapeake Bay, is a wet region with a serious water problem. Due to heavy pumping, water levels in the Potomac aquifer, the area’s principal […]

Interior Department Supports Klamath Dam Removal

Permitting process still has years to go before demolition begins. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Four dams on the Klamath River in California and Oregon are a step closer to being taken down. In an October 17 letter to federal dam regulators, the Department of the Interior signaled its approval of a multi-party agreement […]

Federal Water Tap, October 17: Army Corps Submits Dakota Access Pipeline Response

The Rundown The Army Corps denies allegations that it did not follow federal rules in approving Dakota Access pipeline permits. A Bureau of Reclamation program in the Klamath River Basin wasted millions of dollars on farm payments. The Interior Department begins a study of the social and economic benefits of Indian water rights settlements. Pacific […]

California Designs First Statewide Water Affordability Program

Many questions before the program begins operating. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Prompted by a 2015 state law, the State Water Resources Control Board has begun designing a program to provide state aid to individuals and families who need help paying their water bills. Due to the Legislature by February 1, 2018, California is […]

Federal Water Tap, October 10: In Rare Presidential Move, Obama Says ‘Aquifer’

The Rundown Presidents usually do not talk about aquifers or groundwater, but Obama did, briefly. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes an Endangered Species Act listing for an Alabama salamander. The Bureau of Reclamation offers a $US 1 million prize for reducing desalination brine. The EPA’s internal watchdog will investigate the water-saving claims of […]

The Stream, October 10: Hurricane Matthew Kills At Least 900 in Haiti, Sets Storm Surge Records In U.S. Southeast

The Global Rundown Hurricane Matthew cut an avenue of death and destruction as it moved northward out of the Caribbean. Water is the uniting factor for a coalition opposing an Oklahoma “right-to-farm” ballot initiative. Average water use per fracked well doubled in the United States since 2013, according to an analysis of industry data. In […]

Marriage Of Coal And Water In Arizona Renews Vows

U.S. government moves to extend lease for coal plant that pushes the Colorado River uphill. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue A five-decade-old bond in Arizona between coal power and the delivery of Colorado River water to cities, tribes, and farms may last another quarter-century. The Obama administration proposes to extend through 2044 the lease […]

Mississippi’s Claim That Tennessee Is Stealing Groundwater Is A Supreme Court First

A dispute over an aquifer that crosses political boundaries could expand water rights law. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Sometime in the next few months, lawyers for the state of Mississippi will stand before a U.S. Supreme Court-appointed legal expert, clear their throats, and argue that Tennessee, a neighbor, is stealing water. However it […]

Federal Water Tap, October 3: Congress Reaches Deal on Flint Aid, Budget

The Rundown Lawmakers find a path for Flint aid but they are not at the finish line yet. Exxon agrees to a $US 12 million oil spill settlement, and Southern Coal Corporation will pay $US 5 million for Clean Water Act violations. The EPA grants Clean Water Act powers to Indian tribes and considers water […]

EPA Announces National Wastewater Nutrient Pollution Census

Agency will study nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater facilities. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calls nutrient pollution the “single greatest challenge to our nation’s water quality.” Rising concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways, the agency reports, are a significant threat to human health, ecosystems, and local economies. […]