Entries by Brett Walton

Des Moines Water Utility to File Nitrate Pollution Lawsuit

Farming practices are adding harmful nitrates to Iowa’s Raccoon River. The capital city’s water utility will vote at a March 10 board meeting to proceed with a Clean Water Act lawsuit.

Federal Water Tap, March 9: Water Is Prominent in Spy Agency’s Worldwide Threat Assessment

The Rundown Water remains on the security agenda. Infrastructure spending drops. Mexico takes steps to address its Rio Grande water deficit. Two water studies, on sewer infrastructure and tribal water use, will be delayed. Tribal water rights agreement signed. U.S.-China water-energy partnership looks for research collaborators. “Several trends are converging that will probably increase the […]

Federal Water Tap, March 2: Bureau of Reclamation Will Release No Irrigation Water to Central Valley Farmers

The Rundown No canal water for Central Valley farmers. House passes bill responding to toxic algae crisis. Michigan representatives target invasive Asian carp while California senators aim to help clean up the San Francisco Bay. The U.S. Supreme Court issues ruling in Kansas v. Nebraska. Rural communities struggle to finance water system improvements. “We cannot […]

California Drought Cuts Farm Water Allocation to Zero for Second Consecutive Year

The Central Valley prepares for an unprecedented shortage.

Central Texas Drought Is Worst on Record

Competition for water prompts a quest for new sources.

Federal Water Tap, February 23: Georgia Seeks Dismissal of U.S. Supreme Court Water Lawsuit

The Rundown A new reservoir is planned for northern Texas. Georgia seeks to dismiss Florida’s Supreme Court lawsuit while the Bureau of Land Management failed in its attempt at a lawsuit dismissal. Study looks at 10-year agriculture forecasts. Budget hearings continue in the Senate. By the Numbers 54,000: hatchery-born Chinook salmon that will be released […]

Federal Water Tap, February 16: Mississippi River Basin Grants Itself Two More Decades to Cut Nutrient Pollution

The Rundown Deadline extension for nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin. More heat means more evaporation from western farmland and reservoirs. Western water supply forecasts coming soon. U.S. official promotes Nepal hydropower. “It takes time to improve water quality in very large water bodies like the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico. And then […]

Study: Decades-long ‘Megadroughts’ in U.S. Southwest and Central Plains More Likely Due to Climate Change

Droughts that are extreme by today’s standards will be normal by the end of the century, according to NASA research.

Pacific Northwest’s Winter, Warm and Wet, Is Climate Change Preview

Little snow in sight looks to be the future of the American West.

Federal Water Tap, February 9: President Obama’s 2016 Budget Seeks Broad Funding Increases

The Rundown The president recommends more money for agencies that deal with water. The EPA offers a list of pollutants for potential regulation while the State Department promotes sustainable energy in the Mekong River Basin. Western states receive more federal drought assistance. A new committee will assist Great Lakes water managers. “The entire Mekong region […]

Federal Water Tap, February 2: Obama Administration Proposes New Flood Standards for Federally Funded Projects

The Rundown Using federal money to build in floodplains gets tougher. Vermont senator wants $US 1 trillion for infrastructure. Senate amendment to regulate fracking fails. Federal biologists criticize a California dam proposal. Water quality is a concern on the U.S-Canada border. The Senate holds hearings on the Clean Water Act and ballast water regulations. By […]

California Drought: A Dry January Closes and Dread Mounts

Snowpack in the already-parched state is near record lows, just 25 percent of normal.