Entries by Brett Walton

Federal Water Tap, October 10: Reports Galore

Report: Senate Committee Chair Lauds EPA The chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works released a report touting the importance of the Environmental Protection Agency to America’s health and economic well-being. The staff report from California Democrat Barbara Boxer is salted with numbers (the economic benefit of water quality standards in the […]

USGS Report: Trace Elements Exceed Health Standards in 20 Percent of U.S. Water Wells

Utilities are required by law to treat water to national standards, but no such controls exist for private wells, where the risk from contaminants is greater.

Federal Water Tap, October 3: Staking Claim to the Future

Global Change Research Program A federal program for studying environmental change and its effect on society has released a draft version of its strategic plan for the next decade. Comprising 13 agencies and cabinet-level departments, the Global Change Research Program was established by Congress in 1990. The draft plan anticipates that climate-change risk assessment and […]

Proposed Nevada Pipeline and Water Rights: Report Describes Worst-case Scenario, State Engineer Hears Case

On Monday, the Nevada state engineer will hear opening arguments in a water-rights case that has been ongoing for more than two decades. If passed, the construction of an extensive infrastructure network could dramatically raise the average monthly water bill for many of the state’s residents, as well as impact public lands and endangered species.

Federal Water Tap, September 26: Dam Removal, Present and Future

In Washington Last week the federal government began tearing down two dams on Washington state’s Elwha River. The $350 million project is the world’s largest dam-removal and river-restoration. The National Park Service is maintaining a website with daily photos monitoring the project’s progress. In Oregon and California The Department of the Interior released several peer-reviewed […]

Disturbing U.S. WASH Report: Water and Sanitation Lacking for Poorest Americans

Despite an extensive water and sanitation system ranking among the world’s best, a human rights lawyer — appointed by the United Nations — has reported that some of the poorest Americans live without affordable, convenient access to these basic necessities.

Federal Water Tap, September 19: Resource Disputes

Salmon and Gold A Senate Democrat from Washington state says she plans to ask the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act to block a mine planned in Alaska, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The Pebble Mine project would exploit some of the world’s richest gold, copper, silver and molybdenum deposits. The mine […]

Federal Water Tap, September 12: Rebuilding America

Jobs from the Drain, or the Road President Obama, in his jobs speech, endorsed legislation that would create a national infrastructure bank for financing water, energy and transportation projects. Called the BUILD Act, the bill is co-sponsored by Democrats and Republicans and is supported by the nation’s largest labor organization, the AFL-CIO, and its largest […]

Water, Energy, and Transportation: President Obama Backs Infrastructure Bank in Jobs Speech

Included in the U.S. president’s proposed American Jobs Act is the BUILD Act, allocating $US 10 billion to create a National Infrastructure Bank, governed by an independent board, which would help attract private capital and lower the borrowing costs for public works projects of regional significance.

Federal Water Tap, September 5: Natural Disasters Abound

Thrust from the Crust The nation’s nuclear power regulator said last week’s earthquake on the East Coast may have been stronger than a nuclear power station near the epicenter was designed to withstand, The Hill reports. The magnitude-5.8 earthquake caused the North Anna plant in Louisa County, Va. to lose power from the offsite electrical […]

Water as a Tool of War: Qaddafi Loyalists Turn Off Tap for Half of Libya

Muammar Qaddafi’s great achievement of tapping desert aquifers and sending the water hundreds of kilometers to Tripoli, the capital, and other coastal cities is now the focal point for sabotage and siege. Aid agencies have begun humanitarian relief as rebel leaders try to gain control of water-producing regions.

Federal Water Tap, August 29: Tar Sands and Shale Gas

Few Significant Impacts The State Department concluded its environmental review of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. The department’s preferred option is to build the pipeline, with a few variations and minor route changes. Assistant Secretary of State Kerri-Ann Jones, who took questions from reporters, was adamant that the State Department’s recommendation was “not the rubberstamp […]