Entries by Brett Walton

Overdraft and Saltwater Intrusion Strain the Floridan Aquifer

Excessive withdrawals are forcing communities from South Carolina to Florida to look elsewhere for water.

Research Program Investigates Norway’s Potential as Europe’s Battery

Norway could use its hydropower reservoirs to balance wind energy in an integrated electrical grid.

US Government Approves World’s Largest Solar Project

The Blythe solar plant is the sixth on public lands to get federal approval this month.

Report Highlights Lack of Water Risk Disclosure in Municipal Bonds

The study identifies the need for major overhaul of how water risk is measured and reported in the U.S.

Saudi Water Use ‘Growing Exponentially,’ Higher Prices Needed, Report Says

Agriculture is draining non-renewable groundwater reserves in the water-scarce country.

Murray-Darling Basin Plan Angers Australian Farmers

A government plan to reduce irrigation diversions has farmers up in arms.

The Rising Cost of Settling the American Desert

Power plant that moves torrent of water uphill considers closing

Toxic Sludge Carries Arsenic, Mercury Into Danube River

High levels of mercury and arsenic have been released from a containment pond at a Hungarian alumina plant, according to Greenpeace.

Egyptian NGO Wins UN Prize for Water and Sanitation Projects

The United Nation’s World Habitat Award honors community-based model for clean drinking water and sanitation.

UK Utility Plans Europe’s First Phosphorus Recovery Plant

Meanwhile in the United States, phosphorus levels in fresh water remain high and progress is absent, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

Japan Considers Wastewater-for-Gas Trade with Qatar

The wastewater would be used as ballast for returning tankers.

California Approves World’s Largest Solar Power Project

The solar project will use groundwater, but its effect on the Colorado River water needs to be determined.