Entries by Brett Walton

Timeline: North American Bulk Water Sales

Bulk water has been attempted and banned around the world. Visualize the last decade of attempts in Sitka.

Singapore Will Cut Water Imports from Malaysia, Pursue Self-Sufficiency

Infrastructure to succeed Malaysia import agreement, expiring in 2011.

Army Corps Defends Dam Operations in Tennessee

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., has called for a hearing on flood releases from a dam upstream from Nashville, while the city attempts to clean up.

Landslide Lake Puts Pakistani Villages at Risk of Flooding

Thousands of Pakistani villagers are at risk if a landslide-formed lake breaches its rock dam.

International Target for Reducing Biodiversity Losses Not Met, UN Report Says

Freshwater species and many aquatic habitats are threatened by pollution and climate change, among other factors.

Indigenous Groups in Ecuador Protest Water Reform Bill

The water legislation would consolidate too much power in the hands of the government, protesters say.

California Water Board Changes Power Plant Regulations to Protect Aquatic Life

Power plants will be required to change their cooling systems to reduce the amount of water they withdraw from oceans and estuaries as a result.

Nile Basin Countries Fail to Sign River Treaty Again

Egypt and Sudan have rejected the proposed Nile Basin agreement as it stands, while the other seven members vow to press on.

Higher Water Prices Needed Globally, OECD Says

A report from 30 of the richest countries in the world says raising water rates will help protect and maintain the precious resource for the future.

UN Claims of Greater Access to Drinking Water Are ‘Baloney,’ Water Expert Says

Water quality is a serious problem that is not properly acknowledged, says top water expert and adviser Asit Biswas.

The Price of Water: A Comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 U.S. Cities

“For more than 20 years industry has been moving south looking for cheaper labor, I’m hoping that now they’ll start coming back looking for cheaper water.”

Pakistan Installs Country’s First Urban Rainwater Harvesting System

Pakistan’s first urban rainwater harvesting system has been installed in the capital city Islamabad.