Entries by Brett Walton

Millions of Americans Are In Water Debt

Most Americans give little thought to water bills, paying them on time and in full. But for a subset of homeowners and renters, water debt is constant and menacing.

Federal Water Tap, August 3: Senate Republicans’ Next Coronavirus Package Does Not Include Water Bill Aid

The Rundown Senate Republicans added energy bill assistance to their coronavirus response, but not water bill aid. Senate Democrats introduced legislation to suspend water shutoffs and provide water bill aid. A separate bill addresses environmental justice concerns regarding Clean Water Act permitting. The House passes a water infrastructure package. Paradise Irrigation District receives a FEMA […]

Federal Water Tap, July 27: Pebble Mine Clears a Hurdle

The Rundown The Army Corps publishes its environmental review of the highly contested Alaskan mine. Senate Democratic staff detail the status of utility shutoff policies during the pandemic. FERC proposes revisions to dam safety regulations. EPA inspector general’s report says that integrating environmental justice into the agency’s work is a top management challenge. A large […]

Federal Water Tap, July 20: Infrastructure! Infrastructure! Social Cost of Carbon Revision!

The Rundown A House Committee advances a water infrastructure bill, while the Trump administration cuts down the federal environmental review process. The EPA finalizes a rule restricting state water quality reviews under the Clean Water Act. NOAA report finds more high-tide flooding on the coasts. The EPA announces funding for a low-interest water infrastructure loan […]

Phoenix Tests Water Shutoff Alternative

Before the pandemic, the Phoenix had started installing a device that severely limits water flow into homes that are behind on bills. Other utilities are interested.

Federal Water Tap, July 13: Hundreds of Facilities Invoke EPA Pandemic Rule for Water Pollution Monitoring

The Rundown The EPA releases the number of facilities taking advantage of a rule that allows them not to monitor water pollution discharges during the pandemic. The House Appropriations Committee approves a slight increase in the EPA 2021 budget. Kamala Harris introduces a water infrastructure bill in the Senate. The EPA proposes deleting 671 properties […]

Federal Water Tap, July 6: House Passes Huge $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

The Rundown The House approves a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package. The House climate change committee releases its blueprint for a clean energy economy. Federal agencies indicate they will prepare environmental reviews of a sediment diversion project in Louisiana and a contested copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota. Oregon Democrats introduce a Western water conservation and infrastructure […]

Federal Water Tap, June 29: Supreme Court Will Not Hear Klamath Takings Case

The Rundown Supreme Court action affirms Klamath Tribes’ senior water rights. The GAO analyzes federal flood buyouts. Senators attach water-related amendments to an annual Defense Department spending authorization bill. Energy regulators begin an environmental review of a California pumped storage hydropower project. A Colorado representative calls for peaceful negotiations among Nile basin countries over a […]

North Carolina, In Early Stages of Financial Review, Sees Potentially Large Number of Distressed Water Systems

North Carolina officials are working to develop a rating system that would identify public water and sewer providers at risk of financial failure.

Federal Water Tap, June 22: EPA Decides Not to Regulate Perchlorate in Drinking Water

The Rundown The EPA reverses a regulatory decision that it made nine years ago for the chemical perchlorate. House Democrats refocus on infrastructure. The Senate passes a land, water, and parks conservation bill. Colorado River use drops to 33-year low in three lower basin states. Michigan representatives seek to extend Flint Lead Registry and expand […]

Remarkable Drop in Colorado River Water Use a Sign of Climate Adaptation

Use of Colorado River water in the three states of the river’s lower basin fell to a 33-year low in 2019.

Federal Water Tap, June 15: Reclamation Selects Preferred Route for Lake Powell Pipeline

The Rundown The Bureau of Reclamation publishes an environmental impact statement for the Lake Powell Pipeline. The U.S. Forest Service indicates that it will revise its environmental analysis of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. A CDC journal publishes a study on Legionnaires’ disease cases that were spread by toilet flushing. The CDC also releases a podcast […]