Entries by Brett Walton

Lawsuits in Three States Target Groundwater Pollution under Clean Water Act

U.S. water law confronts hydrology. Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons user Waterkeeper Alliance Coal ash ponds near the Cape Fear River, in North Carolina. Click image to enlarge. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue The Clean Water Act, the landmark environmental statue that Congress passed in 1972, does not explicitly regulate the pollution of […]

Federal Water Tap, February 15: Obama Budget Proposal Highlights Water Technology Innovation

The Rundown President Obama makes his budget pitch. California senator introduces (another) drought bill. The White House defers to Congress for Flint funding but does look to expand Medicaid for affected families. Spy agency chiefs testify about national security risks. Texas representatives try to exempt a proposed reservoir from Clean Water Act permitting. The research […]

Four Billion People Face Severe Water Scarcity

Cities, farming regions, and arid lands are most affected, study finds. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Two-thirds of the planet’s population, or 4 billion people, lives at least one month per year with water scarcity, according to the most detailed water scarcity assessment to date. Previous studies — which estimated between 1.7 billion and […]

Strength of New EPA Lead Rule Depends on Accountability

Expert panel recommendations are criticized for lacking teeth. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue After switching its water source to the Flint River in 2014, Flint officials did not follow federal law to ensure that the water did not corrode lead pipes.  By Brett Walton Circle of Blue The scandal in Flint, […]

The Most Important Water Stories of 2015

Climate risk and energy development, groundwater and conflict — the political awareness of water grew in 2015. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue California’s continuing drought emergency was one of the big water stories of 2015. Click image to enlarge. By Peter Gleick Pacific Institute Brett Walton Circle of Blue Water was […]

Federal Water Tap, February 8: First Flint Hearing in Congress Combines Outrage and Blame

The Rundown House Oversight Committee hosts first of what will be many Flint hearings while the FBI begins investigating. Water infrastructure bills are introduced in Congress while a fight over Flint funding derails a big energy bill. The nation’s largest dam removal project, on the Klamath River, took a step forward. The U.S. Forest Service […]

Sitka, Alaska Still Waits on First Bulk Water Export

City favors contract extension with company that missed $US 1 million payment deadline. Photo courtesy of Flickr / Creative Commons user thedamian The Alaska Department of Natural Resources granted the city of Sitka a permit to export more than 9 billion gallons of water per year from Blue Lake. Alaska Bulk Water Inc. has a […]

Federal Water Tap, February 1: Senators Propose $US 600 Million for Flint, Plus House Hearing on the Lead Crisis

The Rundown Michigan senators propose federal funds for Flint while the House Oversight Committee schedules first congressional hearing on the drinking water crisis. Wetland banking program gets federal funding. EPA publishes draft pesticide general permit. The Supreme Court is hearing another Clean Water Act case. A damaged natural gas pipeline beneath the Delaware River is […]

Septic Systems Contaminate Drinking Water Wells on Cape Cod

Pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, and other organic compounds found in small concentrations in household drinking water.

Circle of Blue Reporter Brett Walton Interviewed about U.S. Water Infrastructure

Brett Walton was featured on radio program about Flint lead crisis and America’s drinking water On January 25, Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton spoke with Minnesota Public Radio about America’s drinking water infrastructure and how the Flint lead contamination crisis comes at a time when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is updating federal lead […]

Expert Council Recommends Eliminating Lead Drinking Water Lines

Federal rules are not strict enough to prevent lead poisoning

Federal Water Tap, January 25: EPA Regional Administrator Resigns over Flint Water Crisis

The Rundown A change in leadership at EPA Region 5. Obama talks with Flint mayor and directs federal money for water infrastructure improvements. EPA begins internal investigation over Flint response. 2015 was the hottest year on record. Communities get $US 1 billion for climate resiliency. Great Lakes has no surplus water, report says. Republicans call […]