Entries by Brett Walton

Preventing CAFO Water Pollution Not An EPA Priority

Inspections continued to decline in 2015. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue A concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO), the rectangle in the foreground, is a dark speck on the landscape of Weld County, Colorado. Click image to enlarge. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Despite designating water pollution from animal waste a […]

Could Insurance Markets Help Water Utilities Respond to Drought?

Drought restrictions and wet summers shake utility budgets. Researchers propose a new financial tool. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue A town in California’s Central Valley touches the edge of an irrigated field. In an era of conservation, urban water utilities must become better financial managers. Click image to enlarge. By Brett […]

Federal Water Tap, January 18: Obama Administration Declares Federal Emergency in Flint Water Crisis

The Rundown Federal aid — in the form of bottled water and filters — will flow to residents in Flint. Science board questions EPA fracking study while EPA’s Bristol Bay mining assessment is cleared of accusations of bias. California congressman introduces bill to settle farm drainage lawsuit. EPA wastewater survey suffers from lack of reporting. […]

U.S. Governors Address Water

State of the State speeches highlight water resources Photo © Brian Lehmann / Circle of Blue Harvesting irrigated corn near Edson, Kansas. In his State of the State speech on January 12, Governor Sam Brownback discussed efforts to conserve the Ogallala Aquifer, which is the lifeblood of irrigated agriculture in western Kansas. Click image to […]

World Economic Forum Ranks Water Crises as Top Long-term Risk

Water is connected to the world’s most severe problems.

Federal Water Tap, January 11: U.S. Officials Begin Scrutinizing Flint Water Crisis

The Rundown Federal officials eye Flint. The Army Corps opens a rarely used Mississippi River spillway. The Bureau of Reclamation reconsiders a Yellowstone River dam and signs a water agreement for the Truckee River. A New York congressman calls for more federal dollars for water infrastructure. The Agriculture Secretary supports an Iowa sales tax. Draft […]

California Water Board to Investigate Use of Oilfield Wastewater to Irrigate Crops

Expert panel will assess safety of eating food grown with treated wastewater Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Kern County is the center of California’s oil industry. The practice of treating and reusing oilfield wastewater for irrigation is coming under greater scrutiny.  By Brett Walton Circle of Blue On January 12, in […]

2016 Preview: Investors Will See Tighter Connection Between Water and Climate

Finance and environmental groups develop new standards for evaluating water risk Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue DC Water, which provides wastewater service for 2.3 million people at its Blue Plains facility, shown above, issued in 2014 the first certified green bond by a U.S. water utility. The $US 350 million bond […]

Infographic: Brackish Water Desalination Plants in Texas

Less salty than the sea, brackish water is poised for wider use in Texas Forty-six desalination plants in Texas turn salty water drinkable. None, however, is located on the coast. All are inland and use brackish water. As fresh water grows scarcer, the hunt for new supplies is expanding outward, to sources formerly on the […]

2016 Preview: Brackish Groundwater Takes a Star Turn

In the perpetual search for water supplies, a salty upstart will be in the spotlight Photo courtesy of San Antonio Water System San Antonio’s brackish water desalination plant, being built in stages, will be the world’s largest inland desalination facility when it is completed in 2022. The first phase will begin delivering drinking water to […]

Federal Water Tap, January 4: Congress Fails to Act on Klamath Basin Agreements

The Rundown The EPA delays strontium regulations. Expect an active EPA in 2016. Klamath Basin agreements expire. Forest Service finalizes revised water rights rule for ski areas. CRS summarizes drought legislation. Oklahoma counties are named disaster areas. “A broad policy question is whether the issue that Congress is addressing is the current Western drought, drought […]

Federal Water Tap, December 28: U.S. Needs More Water Data

The Rundown Water managers need more information. Streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin are fed in large part by groundwater. Congress passes a microbead ban. Growth in India’s farm sector was driven by increased groundwater irrigation. “At the level at which one makes management decisions, I would say that we are still data limited.” […]