Entries by Christian Thorsberg

The Stream, April 26, 2023: Pollution, Lack of Infrastructure Continue to Harm Bangladesh’s ‘Nearly Dead’ River

Fabric dyeing and garment export have contributed to the demise of Bangladesh’s Buriganga River, considered nearly biologically dead.

The Stream, April 19, 2023: Iron Mine in Sweden Could Undercut UNESCO Indigenous Protections

In northern Sweden’s Laponian Area — traditional homelands of the Sámi people and a UNESCO World Heritage site — a proposed iron mine threatens waters and caribou habitat.

Fresh, April 18, 2023: Minnesota Lawmakers Debate Future of State’s Environmental Funding

Minnesota’s environmental funding plan, which is seeded with state lottery proceeds and is set to expire in 2025, is likely to be on the ballot next year with possible amendments.

The Stream, April 12, 2023: Southern Indian River Communities Contest Decades of Petrochemical Plants

Residents of Eloor, in Southern India’s Kerala state, are continuing a decades-long fight to save the Periyar River from polluting industrial plants nearby.

The Stream, April 5, 2023: Vanuatu Takes World’s Climate Inaction to International Court

Vanuatu, vulnerable to the effects of climate change and global warming, brings the question of other governments’ climate inaction to the world’s highest court.

Fresh, April 4, 2023: Canadian Government Pledges Increased Funding for Great Lakes

Following meetings between President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada’s government pledges increased spending on the Great Lakes.

The Stream, March 22, 2023: Ukrainian Water and Soil May Face Years of Heavy Metal Contamination, Experts Say

Toxicologists studying the environmental impact of the war in Ukraine warn that soil and groundwater could be contaminated for years to come.

Fresh, March 21, 2023: Chicago Residents and Activists File Suit Against Toxic Sediment Dumping Grounds

Residents and activists on Chicago’s Southeast Side are suing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over a plan to expand toxic sediment dumping grounds.

The Stream, March 15, 2023: Another Round of Flooding Expected in California as Atmospheric Rivers Persist

After a weekend of intense rain and flooding, another atmospheric river is expected to sweep across California.

The Stream, March 8, 2023: Rewilding Pulls Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Wetlands Back from the Brink

Privatization, rewilding, and international support for the Atlantic Forest, Brazil’s second largest, offer hope for its restoration.