Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, December 19: Water Quality Declines in Gaza Aquifer

The Global Rundown The condition of Gaza’s coastal aquifer continues to deteriorate due to a combination of population growth and political pressures. The largest glacier in East Antarctica is thinning, raising concerns about its potential contribution to sea level rise. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa could see some of the worst economic effects from climate change […]

The Stream, December 16: India Relaxes Stance On Indus Water Dispute

The Global Rundown Officials in India showed willingness to participate in talks with Pakistan over disputed hydroelectric projects in the Indus River Basin, despite earlier objections this month. Scientists in the United States warned Congress that rising sea levels due to climate change could significantly alter efforts to restore the Florida Everglades. Hundreds of thousands […]

The Stream, December 15: Business Leaders Call For Transparency On Climate Risks

The Global Rundown Two prominent businessmen are asking companies around the world to give investors more information about climate risks. An initiative in China to reduce conflicts of interest over environmental enforcement is nearly complete. Oases continue to disappear in Morocco due to changing climate patterns, but local restoration efforts could help. Scientists have discovered […]

The Stream, December 14: U.S. EPA Report Links Fracking to Water Contamination

The Global Rundown A final report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says hydraulic fracturing can contaminate water. Operators at a major hydropower dam in Mozambique have reduced electricity supplies to South Africa due to dropping water levels. Waste piles left unmanaged during Yemen’s civil war now threaten drinking water in Sanaa. Drought conditions are […]

The Stream, December 13: Tana River Development Plans Raise Concern For Delta Communities

The Global Rundown Fisheries and crop production in Kenya’s Tana Delta could be at risk if the country moves ahead with plans to develop irrigation projects upstream. China will appoint “river chiefs” in the next two years to curb water pollution. Water distribution projects in Haiti aim to decrease the risk of cholera contamination. An […]

The Stream, December 12: Flint Gets Aid For Lead-Contaminated Water Crisis

The Global Rundown More than a year after news surfaced that the drinking water in Flint, Michigan was contaminated with unsafe levels of lead, federal lawmakers passed legislation to provide aid to the city. Three major water main breaks in the past week flooded city streets and brought attention to London’s aging water infrastructure. Quebec […]

The Stream, December 9: Canada, U.S. To Change Lake Ontario Water Management

The Global Rundown Canada and the United States will change the way they manage water levels on Lake Ontario to restore wetlands. Irrigators in South Australia warn that unreliable electricity systems and high prices are putting their water supplies at risk. Scientists found evidence that small fish along the U.S. East Coast have evolved to […]

The Stream, December 8: Record Humanitarian Aid Needs In 2017

The Global Rundown The fallout from droughts, floods, and conflicts around the world will require a record amount of humanitarian aid funding next year, according to the United Nations. Barrick Gold’s Pascua Lama mine project, stalled in part due to concerns over water, may get a new lease on life following a recent government decision […]

The Stream, December 7: Severe Rainstorms In United States Will Become More Frequent, Study Finds

The Global Rundown Rising global temperatures, driven by carbon emissions, will significantly increase the intensity and frequency of rainstorms across the United States, researchers found. Discharges of polluted wastewater threaten the water quality of Pakistan’s Manchar Lake, as well as the livelihoods of the region’s fishermen. Thousands of migrating snow geese likely died in Montana […]

The Stream, December 6: Civil War Drastically Changed Syria Water Management

The Global Rundown The conflict in Syria had significant consequences for water resources in the country, according to a new study. Researchers in the United Kingdom concluded that the floods last winter were the most extreme on record. Oil pipeline projects in the United States could face more costly delays following the decision to deny […]

The Stream, December 5: China’s Nujiang River Safe From Dams

The Global Rundown Hydropower projects are no longer proposed for the Nujiang river in China’s latest energy development roadmap. In a separate statement, China’s president called clean water an “invaluable asset” and promised that the enforcement of environmental laws will increase. Environmental regulators in Chile may fine the world’s largest lithium producer millions of dollars […]

The Stream, December 2: Australia Slow To Improve Inland Water Quality For Great Barrier Reef

The Global Rundown Runoff polluted with sediment and fertilizer continues to stymie efforts to improve the health of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Military leaders around the world are calling for action on climate change in order to avoid security threats. The future is uncertain for Canada’s proposed Energy East oil pipeline, which has […]