Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, October 11: Sand Mining, Sea Level Rise Threaten Communities In India

The Global Rundown The convergence of sand mining and rising global sea levels is putting communities in Tamil Nadu at risk of floods. Pakistan’s government is struggling to end energy shortages by 2018, in part by developing more hydropower. Thailand plans to build a water pipeline to the island of Samui, but it won’t come […]

The Stream, October 7: Haiti Cholera Cases May Spike

The Global Rundown The number of cholera cases in Haiti is expected to rise steeply through the end of the year in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. As the storm moves up the coast of the southeastern United States, flooding and storm surge could cause billions of dollars in damage. Switching to low-carbon infrastructure within […]

The Stream, October 6: Paris Climate Agreement Ratified

The Global Rundown The international Paris accord to cut carbon emissions and curb climate change will go into effect early next month, following the agreement’s ratification by countries representing more than half of global emissions. There is a high probability the western United States will face a megadrought by the end of the century. More […]

The Stream, October 5: Water Stress Will Affect 1.5 Billion More People By 2050

The Global Rundown Population and economic growth coupled with climate change will stress water supplies for an additional 1.5 billion people globally by 2050, according to a new report. Bangkok will be protected from floods this year, avoiding a repeat of 2011, Thailand’s prime minister said. Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti on Tuesday, where experts say […]

The Stream, October 4: Canada Wildfires Will Increase Due To Warmer, Drier Weather

The Global Rundown Wildfires in Canada could burn twice as large an area each year by the end of the century as climate change brings warmer and drier conditions. India’s interstate river management and dispute resolution system needs an overhaul in the wake of violent protests over water sharing in the Cauvery River Basin, according […]

The Stream, October 3: Hurricane Matthew Floods Caribbean Islands

The Global Rundown The prime minister of St. Lucia called for more action on climate change as Hurricane Matthew brought floods and landslides to Caribbean island nations. More rain is expected in South Australia, where storms cut electricity across the state last week. Some communities in northern England are still struggling to recover from last […]

The Stream, September 30: Mexico Gold Mine Blocked By Protesters

The Global Rundown Access to Mexico’s largest gold mine has been blocked by protestors demanding jobs, water, and payment for environmental damages. Activists working near Hyderabad, India say pollution from drug manufacturing companies is turning the region’s lakes and rivers into reservoirs of super bacteria. Satellite mapping of floods could save lives in Bihar by […]

The Stream, September 29: U.S. Flood Patterns Exhibit Nuanced Shifts

The Global Rundown The frequency and severity of floods in the United States have changed over the past seven decades, but only in certain regions, a new study found. Community leaders in Pakistan said they will continue to stop work on the Dasu hydropower dam until the government meets their demands for compensation. A significant […]

The Stream, September 28: Philippines May Suspend More Mines On Environmental Concerns

The Global Rundown A government audit of environmental violations could force the suspension of more than a dozen mines in the Philippines. Indigenous protestors in Peru’s Amazon are blockading a river until the country’s new president and other government officials meet with them to discuss problems associated with oil development. Pakistan signaled that it would […]

The Stream, September 27: India Suspends Indus Water Commission

The Global Rundown India’s government has suspended the water commission that oversees the Indus Waters Treaty with Pakistan amid a dispute over terrorism. Communities in Telangana are protesting a reservoir that would displace thousands of people. Half a million homes in the United States lack access to adequate water and sanitation connections. A major roadway […]

The Stream, September 26: Tunisia Drought Triggers Protests

The Global Rundown Farmers in Tunisia are protesting water shortages wrought by a drought and a neglected water management system. Severe drought conditions across Connecticut and other New England states have drawn down rivers and groundwater levels, forcing some communities to impose water restrictions or truck in supplies. Fighting in Aleppo, Syria cut water supplies […]

The Stream, September 23: Researchers Find Water Contamination In Eagle Ford Shale Region

The Global Rundown Scientists found traces of contaminants, likely from industrial or agricultural sources, in groundwater wells in the Eagle Ford Shale region of Texas. A court in Spain issued fines to former executives and directors at the Cobre Las Cruces copper mine who were involved with water pollution violations. A fire at a power […]