Entries by Codi Kozacek

Map: U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Ranked By Water Pollution

Report identifies worst offenders by discharges of arsenic, lead, and mercury.

The Stream, August 24: Thousands of Palestinians At Risk From Water Shortages

The Global Rundown Thousands of Palestinians living in the West Bank are suffering from water shortages that are a matter of dispute between Palestine and Israel. Monsoon floods in India have displaced millions of people, many in the state of Bihar. Storms in Mexico destroyed critical habitat for monarch butterflies that overwinter there. Rashes and […]

The Stream, August 23: Groundwater Pumping Linked To Arsenic Contamination In Southeast Asia

The Global Rundown Water supplies contaminated with high levels of arsenic are linked to a decline in groundwater levels in Southeast Asia, especially near major cities, a new study found. Climate change poses the biggest challenge yet for preserving national parks in the United States, where the National Park Service celebrates its 100th birthday this […]

The Stream, August 22: Deforestation Drives Water Scarcity In Malawi

The Global Rundown As forests are cut down to produce charcoal, water supplies for drinking and hydropower are drying up in Malawi. A prominent ocean scientist believes the Arctic could lose most of its sea ice within the next few years. The outbreak of a deadly fish parasite forced officials to close hundreds of kilometers […]

The Stream, August 19: U.N. Played Role In Haiti Cholera Outbreak, Report Says

The Global Rundown A report sent to the United Nations by a special rapporteur blamed the international organization for a deadly cholera outbreak in Haiti and strongly criticized its response. Cholera is also spreading in the Central African Republic. And in New Zealand, officials are trying to determine what caused a water contamination event that […]

The Stream, August 18: Degraded Watersheds Increase Water Treatment Costs Globally

The Global Rundown Cities around the world are paying more for clean water in part due to the degradation of their source watersheds, according to a new study. Monsoon floods in Dhaka could become much more severe if problems with drainage infrastructure and wetland loss are not addressed. Sand deposited by floods along the Brahmaputra […]

The Stream: Special Rio Edition

Super bacteria, green pools, and even a murder mystery splashed across headlines about water conditions in the Olympic host city.

The Stream, August 17: U.S. Unveils Supercomputer Flood Forecasting

The Global Rundown A new tool will allow federal forecasters to track hourly the water conditions in rivers and streams across the United States. In the past year, the U.S. has experienced eight floods of a magnitude that statistically occurs only once every 500 years. Federal water managers also predicted this week that low water […]

The Stream, August 16: Watersheds Of Major Asian Rivers Threatened By Mining

The Global Rundown Forests in the watersheds of the Mekong, Salween, and Yangtze rivers are disappearing due to illegal mining in China’s Yunnan province, a Greenpeace report found. Conservationists in Western Australia worry a proposed uranium mine could pollute water supplies. Tests show Canada’s North Saskatchewan River is now suitable for drinking water after an […]

The Stream, August 15: Louisiana Flood Disaster Declared

The Global Rundown Severe flooding prompted the U.S. government to declare a state of disaster in Louisiana on Sunday, the same day a federal state of emergency expired over lead-contaminated water in Flint, Michigan. Officials suspect water contamination in a New Zealand town is responsible for an illness that sickened thousands of people. Lesotho is […]

For Brazil, Rio Sewage is One of Many Water Challenges

Hydropower development, agricultural expansion, mining, and drought put growing pressure on Olympic host.

The Stream, August 12: Philippines Suspends Mines For Environmental Violations

The Global Rundown A national review of mines in the Philippines led to the suspension of operations at nearly a dozen locations due to environmental concerns. It will take more than $6 billion to reach pollution reduction targets meant to improve water quality on the Great Barrier Reef, according to an Australian taskforce. Air strikes […]