Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, May 24: Heat Waves Worsen Water Shortages In Africa, India

The Global Rundown A rash of record-breaking heatwaves has exacerbated water shortages in Burkina Faso and parts of India. If all of the world’s fossil fuels are burned, global temperatures could rise 10 degrees and rainfall could plummet in some areas of Central America, Africa, and Australia, researchers found. The U.S. Department of Energy announced […]

The Stream, May 23: Africa Food Crisis Worsens, Putting Millions At Risk

The Global Rundown In the wake of El Nino-linked droughts and unpredictable rainfall that destroyed harvests across Africa, nearly 50 million people could go hungry by the end of the year. Countries could lose billions of dollars in GDP in the event of a global food price shock, which is expected to become more likely […]

The Stream, May 20: Environmental Damage Increasing Globally, UNEP Study Finds

The Global Rundown The rate of environmental degradation is increasing globally, putting at risk both developing and developed countries, according to a United Nations study. Farms in Mexico’s Guanajuato state are drawing down aquifers, creating a public health threat. A presidential candidate in Peru said community support is essential for a massive copper mine project […]

Waukesha Another Step Closer To Great Lakes Water

A regional committee found that the city meets the requirements for an out-of-basin diversion, with conditions.

The Stream, May 19: India Prepares To Link Rivers

The Global Rundown Work on a large-scale project to link and divert some of India’s major rivers could begin in days, according to government officials. Protesters in Australia are demanding the closure of a zinc mine linked to water pollution, and South Africa announced plans to make mining companies pay to clean up acid mine […]

The Stream, May 18: Drought-Affected Herders Told To Leave Tanzania Parks

The Global Rundown Herders affected by a severe drought in East Africa have taken refuge in Tanzania’s national parks, where the government ordered them this week to remove their cattle. Men in drought-hit Haryana died while trying to revive a well. The European Investment Bank made its biggest ever water loan to finance London’s Thames […]

The Stream, May 17: Natural Disasters Could Put $158 Trillion In Assets At Risk By 2050

The Global Rundown A combination of climate change, population growth, and expanding cities will put billions of people and trillions of dollars worth of assets at risk globally from natural disasters, a new report found. A new study added to the growing body of evidence that poor tropical countries will likely be disproportionately affected by […]

America’s Water Infrastructure Requires New Mindset

Trust, cooperate, and innovate for safe water and thriving communities. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue America’s substantial water challenges are not secret any longer. Cities poisoned by lead-contaminated drinking water and toxic algae, along with crippling droughts and dwindling groundwater reserves, make it increasingly clear that the nation’s water systems urgently require an overhaul. […]

The Stream, May 16: Drought Pegged As Factor In Venezuela’s Unraveling

The Global Rundown Leaders in Venezuela cited a severe drought as at least one of the factors driving instability in the country. Millions of people globally were displaced from their homes in 2015 by natural hazards including droughts, floods, and storms, a new report found. The monsoon is expected to be late but above average […]

The Stream, May 13: Pakistan Textile Industry Reels Under Drought

The Global Rundown Pakistan is spending billions of dollars to prop up its textile industry as drought damages domestic cotton supplies. Water and sewage companies in the United Kingdom have received record fines for polluting rivers. A new solar-powered desalination plant will come online in Dubai this month. The United States is promoting agriculture in […]

The Stream, May 12: South Africa Unveils Plans To Pursue Desalination

The Global Rundown South Africa will begin developing desalination plants in its coastal communities as it combats one of the worst droughts on record. India’s Supreme Court admonished states for failing to respond adequately to a severe drought that is affecting millions of people. Water use in Qatar rose drastically over the past decade as […]

The Stream, May 11: U.S. Infrastructure Funding More Than $1 Trillion Short

The Global Rundown Funding commitments for water, electricity, roads, and other infrastructure in the United States are currently more than $1 trillion short of the needed amount, according to a new report. In the Solomon Islands, five islands have disappeared due to sea level rise and wave damage. Researchers found that unusually dry and wet […]