Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, April 26: Flash Floods Hinder Ethiopia Aid

The Global Rundown After months of drought that put millions of people at risk of hunger, heavy rains are causing flash floods and impeding aid delivery in Ethiopia. Venezuela began cutting electricity supplies by four hours a day this week to cope with a drought. Water managers in India face a tricky balancing act between […]

The Stream, April 25: Coral Reef Discovered At Mouth of Amazon River

The Global Rundown Scientists found a massive coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon River, where oil exploration is already taking place. Saudi Arabia fired its water minister amid a public backlash against rising water prices. An iron ore mine in Brazil is still leaking tailings from containment dams, according to a prosecutor. A […]

The Stream, April 22: Paris Climate Deal To Be Signed On Earth Day

The Global Rundown Countries from around the world are prepared to sign a global deal to cut carbon emissions today. Scientists found that droughts, sea level rise, and heatwaves could be significantly worse if global temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius instead of 1.5 degrees Celsius. Developers have abandoned the controversial Conga gold and copper mine […]

The Stream, April 21: Drought Affects Quarter of India’s Population

The Global Rundown Consecutive years of drought have placed pressure on hundreds of millions of people in India, and major cities are beginning to run out of water. The daughter of a murdered environmental activist is asking European companies to drop support for the controversial hydropower project she opposed in Honduras. Michigan filed criminal charges […]

The Stream, April 20: China Schoolchildren Sickened By Toxic Waste

The Global Rundown Hundreds of students have been sickened at a school in China, where toxic waste contamination of soil and water is blamed. Humans have caused the vast majority of global warming over the past 60 years, according to a new study. A U.S. federal judge dismissed a lawsuit blaming Michigan officials for lead-contaminated […]

The Stream, April 19: Half of Mekong Delta Could Face Water Shortages

The Global Rundown The worst drought in nearly a century could cause water shortages in large swaths of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Severe malnutrition cases are increasing among children in Somalia, where a drought is contributing to food shortages. India plans to tackle water demand to fight scarcity. Queensland announced a ban on underground […]

The Stream, April 18: Chile Floods Leave Millions Without Water

The Global Rundown Floods in Chile’s capital have contaminated water supplies for millions of residents. China must do more to build trust in the Mekong River basin, according to water experts. A state panel recommended that Michigan lower its threshold for action on lead levels in public water systems. Hundreds of people in Spain were […]

The Stream, April 15: International Climate Panel Will Look At 1.5C Temperature Rise

The Global Rundown A global panel of scientists will contribute to a new report analyzing the effects of a 1.5-degree-Celsius increase in temperatures. A new online tools shows how sea level rise will affect Australia. More than 1,000 farmers in India’s drought-hit Marathwada region committed suicide last year. A majority of California residents still view […]

The Stream, April 14: Japan May Dump Fukushima Water into Ocean

The Global Rundown The high cost of removing the last remaining traces of radioactive material from contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan could force operators to dump it directly into the Pacific Ocean. Water scarcity will likely constrain India’s plan to drastically increase power production. More than half of U.S. states received […]

The Stream, April 13: Manila Water Privatization Questioned

The Global Rundown A U.S. Congressional committee is questioning the International Finance Corporation’s role in water privatization in Manila. Water scarcity is expected to increase at three-quarters of small islands around the world by mid-century, while a prolonged drought in Guam could contaminate much of the island’s water with salt. Food security conditions continue to […]