Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, March 1: China Plans Water Diversions To Clean Algae From Lakes

The Global Rundown China plans to divert water from several rivers to lakes in Yunnan province in an effort to clean up massive algae blooms, while the U.S. Supreme Court denied to hear a challenge to a plan that limits nutrient pollution in Chesapeake Bay. Drought-hit California is expecting more rain in March after an […]

The Stream, February 29: New York Community’s Drinking Water Latest To Be Contaminated

The Global Rundown The drinking water in Hoosick Falls, New York is contaminated with a toxic chemical, raising concerns about how such chemicals are regulated –or not– in the United States. Three executives have been indicted over the 2011 disaster at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, and emails show that state advisers in Michigan were concerned […]

The Stream, February 23: Peru Oil Spill Contaminates Rivers

The Global Rundown Oil spills from a pipeline in Peru have contaminated two rivers in the Amazon region. A severe drought in Thailand has created water shortages at some hospitals. Officials estimate it could take two weeks to fully restore New Delhi’s water supplies. Global sea level rise could top 130 centimeters by the end […]

The Stream, February 22: New Delhi Water Canal At Center Of Protests

The Global Rundown Protesters briefly took control of a major water canal supplying New Delhi over the weekend before India’s army recaptured it. Meanwhile, drought-hit farmers in rural India are asking the government to support a jobs program that provides work on public projects. A strong tropical cyclone damaged water supplies and crops in Fiji, […]

The Stream, February 19: Chicago Sued Over Lead In Drinking Water

The Global Rundown Residents are suing the city of Chicago over actions they say have contaminated drinking water supplies with lead, and a national environmental group is suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate perchlorate in drinking water. Businesses in Sao Paulo, Brazil are expressing skepticism at the city’s efforts to prevent future water […]

The Stream, February 18: Children Suffer Malnutrition As Drought Grips Africa

The Global Rundown Millions of children are severely malnourished in Africa because of ongoing droughts, according to the United Nations. El Nino-linked droughts across the continent have hit countries like Mozambique particularly hard, destroying consecutive harvests. In India, successive droughts have forced some farmers to sell their blood for income. Globally, conflicts related to water […]

The Stream, February 17: El Nino Brings Water and Food Shortages to 100 Million People

The Global Rundown Droughts and floods linked to the El Nino weather phenomenon are causing water and food shortages for millions of people around the world. Farmers in Africa face critical water challenges as they seek to boost production and yields, and Zambia is struggling to address hydropower shortages while keeping electricity bills affordable. Water […]

The Stream, February 16: World Capable of Closing Food Gaps With Better Water Management

The Global Rundown Improving water management could significantly narrow the gap between food production and food demand globally by mid-century, a new study found. Beijing pledged to clean up waterways polluted with untreated sewage by 2018, and officials in Tanzania warned that untreated sewage in Lake Victoria threatens the health of communities. Fiji became the […]

The Stream, February 15: 4 Billion People Face Severe Water Scarcity

The Global Rundown Globally, more people than previously thought experience severe water scarcity for at least part of the year, a new study found. To fight water shortages in Yemen, communities are experimenting with fog harvesting, and a major city in India’s Punjab state is waiting for government approval to improve drinking water quality. The […]

The Stream, February 12: Nepal Communities Still Struggle for Water After 2015 Earthquake

The Global Rundown Communities affected by a major earthquake in Nepal last year are still struggling to secure adequate water supplies. Scientists worry that the Zika virus is just the first of many diseases that could be helped by a changing climate, and a new study suggests that sea level rise is being slowed by […]

Binational Commission Calls For Public Trust Framework For Great Lakes

States and provinces have made significant strides to prevent diversions of Great Lakes water, but more should be done, report finds. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue In a resounding endorsement of applying public trust principles to limit contemporary threats to the Great Lakes, the International Joint Commission recommended in its newest report that U.S. […]