Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, January 12: Much of Africa’s Groundwater Vulnerable to Pollution, Study Finds

The Global Rundown A new study warns that groundwater across much of sub-Saharan Africa is vulnerable to pollution. Thailand is considering diverting transboundary rivers to alleviate future droughts, and China is planning to develop more water-intensive textile factories in the arid Xinjiang region. Michigan’s governor announced plans to request federal aid for a water crisis […]

Flint’s Contaminated Drinking Water is Third Water Threat For Michigan Governor

Residents put at risk by ideology, misguided decisions. Photo courtesy Michigan Municipal League via Flickr Creative Commons The administration of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is at the center of criticism over a public health crisis in Flint, where a state decision to switch the city’s water source ended with lead-contaminated water. Here, he speaks to […]

The Stream, January 8: Advisory Board Questions U.S. EPA Conclusions On Fracking

The Global Rundown A scientific advisory board outlined concerns about a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report that concluded hydraulic fracturing operations in the United States have not harmed drinking water supplies. It could take more than $US 1 billion to fix drinking water problems in Flint, Michigan, according to the city’s mayor, while water systems […]

Asian Carp Would Significantly Alter – But Not Destroy – Lake Erie Fisheries

A new study offers a clear-eyed warning about the ramifications of an Asian carp invasion into the Great Lakes. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bighead carp are one of two invasive species that are the focus of a new study analyzing how the carp would affect other fish species if they reached […]

The Stream, January 7: South Africa Drought Worsens Amid Heatwave

The Global Rundown Forecasters predict record temperatures will hit Johannesburg later this week, and a heatwave across South Africa is expected to place further stress on diminishing water supplies. Meanwhile, southern England could experience water restrictions later this year despite extensive winter flooding in the North, and Indonesia is preparing for floods from a possible […]

The Stream, January 6: El Nino Has Peaked

The Global Rundown El Nino, the global phenomenon causing extreme weather from Asia to Africa, has peaked and will likely diminish by the middle of the year. Floods in England last month inundated thousands of properties, and a new report urges the government to tighten restrictions on new buildings in flood-prone areas. Meanwhile, officials in […]

Ethiopia Hunger Reaches Emergency Levels

Food crisis continues in midst of severe El Nino drought. Photo courtesy Petterik Wiggers / WFP / U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa via Flickr creative commons Food aid is distributed in Ethiopia’s Somali region, one of the areas hit by a severe drought linked to El Nino. More than 15 million people in Ethiopia are estimated […]

The Stream, January 5: Power Plants May Produce Less Under Climate Change

The Global Rundown Water scarcity and warmer water temperatures due to climate change could decrease energy production at a majority of the world’s power plants, a new study found. Insurance companies last year spent the least on natural disaster claims worldwide since 2009, while costs for treating nitrate-polluted drinking water in Des Moines, Iowa rose […]

The Stream, January 4: Malaysia May Suspend Bauxite Mines On Water Pollution Concerns

The Global Rundown Malaysia is considering a temporary suspension of its bauxite mines as it investigates a water pollution case, putting a hold on a fast-growing industry. Flooding continued along the Mississippi River, while the British government pledged millions of dollars to improve flood defenses in northern England. Efforts to clean up India’s Ganges River […]

The Stream, December 31: Hunger Risk For Millions As El Nino Continues

The Global Rundown Droughts and floods linked to El Nino threaten millions of people globally with hunger, straining humanitarian aid systems. Millions of people in the United States were still under flood warnings Wednesday, while water shortages in Colombia forced the president to issue a red alert. Saudi Arabia, stung by low oil prices, released […]

The Stream, December 30: Major Floods Spread Across U.S. Midwest

The Global Rundown Extensive flooding occurred in Missouri, killing more than a dozen people. High water levels on a number of major rivers in the Midwest United States could cause trouble for industrial areas in the South, while insurance companies are expecting to pay billions of dollars for flood damages in Britain. Egypt, Ethiopia, and […]

The Stream, December 29: UK Flood Costs Top $7 Billion

The Global Rundown Winter floods in the United Kingdom are expected to cost billions of dollars, while high water levels on the Mississippi River are slowing barge traffic. Water levels on Lake Baikal could reach record lows this April. Warmer water temperatures due to climate change could increase toxic algae along Florida’s coasts. Corrosion control […]