Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, December 28: El Nino Floods Hit South America, UK

The Global Rundown Floods linked to the El Nino weather pattern struck South America over the weekend and are expected to hit northern England this week, while a project in Pakistan has constructed defenses against floods from glacial lakes. The United Nations estimated that nearly 90 million people will need humanitarian aid globally next year, […]

The Stream, December 24: Cambodia Prime Minister Defends Hydropower Development

The Global Rundown The leader of Cambodia defended his country’s hydropower development plans against criticism that dams will harm fisheries, forests, and the communities that depend on them. Droughts in Papua New Guinea and Ethiopia are creating severe food insecurity, and storms have displaced millions of people in the Philippines. Puerto Rico agreed to upgrade […]

Great Lakes Water Quality Remains in Spotlight in 2015

Safe drinking water tops list of concerns. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Polluted water was the greatest threat to public health in the Great Lakes this year. Lead contamination in Flint’s drinking water forced the city to declare a state of emergency in December, while blooms of toxic algae spread across […]

The Stream, December 23: Water Plant Invades Uganda Lakes

The Global Rundown An invasive water weed is spreading in Uganda’s Lake Albert and Lake Kyoga, posing a threat to fisheries, government officials said. Britain issued more flood warnings Tuesday in many of the areas hit earlier this month by Storm Desmond, and the World Bank committed more funding to improve water management in the […]

The Stream, December 22: China Sues Local Environmental Department On Oversight Failure

The Global Rundown China is pursuing a lawsuit against a local environmental department over its failure to address pollution, the first time the country has sued a government department in a public interest case. India is considering a law to limit groundwater and surface water use, Australia approved the expansion of a controversial coal terminal […]

The Stream, December 21: Lawsuit Over Oil Spills In Niger Delta To Proceed

The Global Rundown A lawsuit brought by farmers in Nigeria against the Royal Dutch Shell oil company will continue in the Netherlands following an appeals court ruling. South Africa’s capital city is imposing water restrictions, and the United States government is asking states in the Colorado River Basin to find solutions to a shrinking Lake […]

Great Lakes Oil Pipeline Not ‘Vital’, Report Finds

Twin oil pipelines running below the Straits of Mackinac are unnecessary—and unnecessarily risky—a new study says. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue A portion of Line 5, an oil pipeline owned by Canadaian energy company Enbridge, runs for 7.2 kilometers (4.5 miles) below the waters of the Great Lakes at the Straits […]

The Stream, December 18: Lakes Warming Around the World

Do you enjoy reading the daily Stream? Keep the Stream flowing, contribute to our Crowdrise challenge. The Global Rundown Water temperatures are warming faster than air temperatures in lakes around the world, according to new research. Climate change is likely to double the number of severe algae blooms in Lake Erie over the next 100 […]

The Stream, December 17: White House Announces New Water Initiative

The Global Rundown The U.S. White House called on the private sector this week to help innovate and invest in technology to improve water management. A budget proposed by the U.S. Congress would keep funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative at its current level, while efforts to keep invasive Asian carp out of the […]

The Stream, December 16: Flint Declares Emergency Over Lead Contaminated Water

The Global Rundown The city of Flint, Michigan, declared a state of emergency to garner state and federal support to address its lead contaminated drinking water. Nearby Detroit showed little sign of forgiving the debt owed on city residents’ water bills, and water companies in South Africa stopped service to 30 villages that failed to […]

The Stream, December 15: U.S. Clean Water Rule Social Media Campaigns Against the Law, Report Says

The Global Rundown Social media campaigns used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to garner support for its Clean Water Rule were illegal, according to a government report. Typhoon Melor caused flooding, evacuations, and power outages in the Philippines. Scarce groundwater resources sparked conflicts between communities and agriculture companies in Peru. Toxic algae blooms along […]

The Stream, December 14: Global Climate Deal Signed in Paris

The Global Rundown The first legally binding global climate deal was signed in Paris, setting a goal to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. The deal could require $16.5 trillion in renewable energy and efficiency investments by 2030. Water quality monitoring and pollution prevention efforts along the Great Barrier Reef need significantly more […]