Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, December 11: UK Urges More Water Trading Between Utilities

The Global Rundown The agency that regulates water utilities in the United Kingdom is asking water companies to consider more water trading to improve efficiency. Jamaica’s water infrastructure is failing, leading to shortages and affecting the island’s productivity. Erosion and rising sea levels pose risks to homes and businesses from Chesapeake Bay to the coast […]

The Stream, December 10: First Vaccine for Dengue Fever Approved By Mexico

The Global Rundown Mexico approved the first vaccine to prevent dengue fever, a disease spread by mosquitoes that thrives in cities where standing water is present. Glaciers continue to retreat at a rapid pace in China, and scientists predict nearly a quarter of Alaska’s permafrost could melt by 2100. Kentucky agreed to fine and effectively […]

The Stream, December 9: Uranium Contamination A Growing Problem in U.S. Groundwater

The Global Rundown Groundwater contaminated with unsafe levels of uranium poses a growing risk to communities in places like California’s Central Valley, while the United Nations warned that mining companies and government officials in Brazil are not doing enough to restore safe water after the Samarco mine disaster. Floods turned deadly in the Democratic Republic […]

The Stream, December 18: Lakes Warming Around the World

Do you enjoy reading the daily Stream? Keep the Stream flowing, contribute to our Crowdrise challenge. The Global Rundown Water temperatures are warming faster than air temperatures in lakes around the world, according to new research. Climate change is likely to double the number of severe algae blooms in Lake Erie over the next 100 […]

The Stream, December 8: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Expected to Fall in 2015

The Global Rundown Emissions of climate-warming gases globally are expected to decline this year, the first time they have done so without an economic downturn. Drought and saltwater intrusion could cause water shortages in Bangkok during the dry season, while flooding in England could cost insurance companies hundreds of millions of dollars. Ghana is raising […]

The Stream, December 7: England Floods After Major Storms

The Global Rundown Storms brought extreme rainfall and floods to northwest England over the weekend. Water supplies are dwindling in southern Australia’s reservoirs due to a drought, forcing farmers to have water delivered. South Africa plans to increase water rates next year in an effort to upgrade its water infrastructure. Ten countries in Africa have […]

Paris Agreements Will Implement Climate Action On The Ground

Supporting deals focus on low-carbon energy, natural resource protection, and disaster risk reduction. Photo courtesy UNclimatechange via Flickr Creative Commons Approximately 25,000 official delegates from countries and organizations around the world are in Paris to negotiate the first legally binding global climate accord. Additional deals aim to make the overarching agreement a reality. Countries, businesses, […]

The Stream, December 4: Uruguay Boosts Renewable Energy, Reduces Vulnerability to Drought

The Global Rundown Uruguay is increasing and diversifying its renewable energy sources, making the country’s power supplies less susceptible to drought. Floods in Tamil Nadu shut down an oil refinery and forced thousands of people to evacuate. El Nino is bringing a boon of tuna to Kiribati, and while it could relieve California’s drought to […]

The Stream, December 3: World Has Lost A Third Of Its Arable Land

The Global Rundown Soil degradation caused by erosion and pollution has led to the loss of a third of the world’s arable land, a new study found. Drought and frosts in Papua New Guinea are spreading hunger and disease. A crowd-funded project in India is reviving drinking water sources and helping farmers. Wastewater plants could […]

U.S. Military Aims to Improve Water Security, Climate Resilience

Initiatives show military sees serious climate and water security risks. Photo © Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue Helping nations prepare for and respond to droughts, floods, and storms is now one of 11 primary efforts outlined in the overall strategy for the U.S. military’s Pacific Command, which covers the Asia-Pacific region. In discussions at […]

The Stream, December 2: Droughts Threaten Energy, Development in Africa

The Global Rundown Droughts in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe are putting pressure on hydropower production, while extreme droughts in southern Africa could put development gains at risk. Meanwhile, heavy rains have flooded Chennai, India. An airstrike in Aleppo, Syria, last week cut off water supplies to millions of people. The tailings dam disaster at an iron […]

The Stream, December 1: United Kingdom Outstanding Water Charges Reach Record High

The Global Rundown Water utilities in the United Kingdom are owed more than ever before, with outstanding charges reaching more than $US 3 billion. Mexico’s state oil company announced plans to jointly invest millions in water storage and treatment projects, and a U.S. federal judge ordered a part-owner of the oil well involved in the […]