Entries by Codi Kozacek

Report: Water, Temperature Changes Not Central Drivers of Sub-Sahara Africa Conflicts

Rainfall is not a strong motivator of violence, but higher temperatures are. Photo courtesy Andrew Heavens via Flickr Creative Commons In Sub-Saharan countries like Ethiopia, water shortages are much less likely to predict violent conflicts than other factors.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue As forecasts for global climate change become increasingly […]

Infographic: A History of EPA Veto Actions to Protect Water

The EPA has issued 13 vetoes since the passing of the Clean Water Act. Section 404(c) of the federal Clean Water Act gives the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to veto permits for the discharge of waste and fill material into lakes, streams and wetlands. The agency has used the authority 13 […]

The Stream, December 15: Lima Climate Change Deal Puts Onus On All Countries

The Global Rundown Negotiators reached a climate deal in Lima, requiring all countries to create plans to reduce their emissions. Meanwhile, major droughts continued to plague California and Sao Paulo, and China documented its shrinking glaciers. Morocco received more money for water infrastructure projects, while Australia cut funding for infrastructure in the Murray-Darling Basin. Access […]

The Stream, December 11: Somalia Contaminated Well Water Kills 50

The Global Rundown Contaminated well water killed and sickened people in Somalia’s capital, while water service in the Maldives’ capital is expected to resume next week. In Lima, shrinking glaciers are taking a toll on water supply, and experts at climate talks in the city are urging action to protect mangroves. Great Lakes water levels […]

The Stream, December 9: Water Contaminated by Oil Spills in Peru’s Amazon

The Global Rundown Oil spills may be sickening communities in Peru’s Amazon. Guyana and Cambodia are getting international funding to improve water access and sanitation, while researchers say better data is needed to pursue water development goals at the global scale. Tap water shortages are forcing a Malawi city to turn to unprotected water sources, […]

The Stream, December 8: Maldives Capital Without Water After Desalination Fire

The Global Rundown Malé, the capital of the Maldives, faces severe water shortages due to a desalination plant fire, while South Africa suffers power outages due to water and fuel shortages. California’s drought is the worst in more than a millennium, Lake Mead water levels are at record lows, and cities in the U.S. West […]

The Stream, December 4: Rain in California, But No Break to Drought

The Global Rundown Rain is falling in California, but the state will need a lot more of it to break a three-year drought. Vietnam is predicting drought in the Mekong Delta next year, while Great Lakes water levels are rising. China is spending billions on a new fund to fight pollution, and Kiribati is pessimistic […]

The Stream, December 2: New Zealand Prepares For Drought with Water Cuts to Farms

The Global Rundown New Zealand is proactively curbing irrigation water in preparation for a drought, and Ghana is cutting electricity to factories due in part to low water levels. Brazil could face a recession if it doesn’t get enough rain, and California could lose its southernmost population of coho salmon. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom is […]

The Stream, December 1: AIDS Fight Requires Improved Water and Sanitation

The Global Rundown Clean water is necessary for the fight against AIDS in Africa. Waterborne diseases are on the rise in Mosul, while Sao Paulo is two months away from running out of water. Floods have killed five people in southern France, and Ireland’s water utility is spending millions on legal fees. India’s desalination business […]

The Stream, November 28: Bhopal Water Still Contaminated 30 Years After Disaster

The Global Rundown Bhopal’s water may be causing birth defects and health problems 30 years after a major chemical disaster, while Japan says it will process all contaminated water at Fukushima by March. Water utilities in Greece are losing money, water concerns are contributing to Brazil’s slow economy, and the London super sewer may be […]

The Stream, November 27: Mumbai Fails To Address Flood Risks

The Global Rundown Mumbai still faces extreme flood risks 10 years after a 2005 disaster, and a new report urges governments to do more to address extreme weather risk. Deteriorating water systems are contributing to disease in Syria. France must defend its Sivens dam project, while hydropower helped push Scotland’s renewable energy production to new […]