Entries by Codi Kozacek

Infographic: Toxic Algae in Ohio Drinking Water Sources

Algae toxins have been found in seven lakes, reservoirs, and rivers that supply drinking water to 1 million people.

Seven Ohio Drinking Water Sources Don’t Meet State Water Quality Standards for Toxic Algae

Lack of testing requirements inhibits more thorough review of drinking water safety. Graphic by Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue Seven public drinking water sources in Ohio have been listed as “impaired” due to high levels of algae toxins.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Seven lakes, reservoirs and rivers that supply […]

The Stream, August 25: Water Shortages Worsen in Pakistan

Water Supply Water shortages are worsening in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, where residents are protesting to get water access at least once a week, the Associated Press reported. Drought, population growth and inadequate infrastructure are all contributing to the problem, as current water supplies are sufficient for just half of the city’s demands. Water delivery […]

The Stream, August 22: Mexico Contends With Two Contaminated River Spills

Mexico Two weeks after approximately 37,800 cubic meters of sulfuric acid spilled into Mexico’s Bacanuchi River from a copper mine, 88 schools have delayed the start of the academic year because of contaminated water, United Press International reported. The country’s National Water Commission said that toxicity levels in the water are declining, and could be […]

The Stream, August 21: Increasing Salinity Another Threat to Fresh Water

Pollution The salinity of fresh water systems in the United States is growing due to urban wastewater, stormwater and fertilizer runoff, according to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Guardian reported. The salinity is creating problems for cities that rely on surface water supplies for drinking, and can also create issues for agricultural […]

The Stream, August 20: Structural Problems Threaten Iraq’s Mosul Dam

Iraq’s Mosul Dam, the largest in the country, is back under Iraqi and Kurdish control, but potential delays in maintenance during the fight over the dam have raised concerns about its structural integrity, Reuters reported. The dam has long needed almost constant maintenance due to flaws in its foundations, and a complete breach could flood […]

The Stream, August 19: South Asia Could Lose 9 Percent GDP Due to Climate Change

Asia The South Asia region could lose as much as 9 percent of its annual gross domestic product by 2100 if nothing is done to curtail climate change, according to a new report from the Asian Development Bank, AlertNet reported. Increasingly common extreme weather events are expected to damage infrastructure, agriculture and human health in […]

The Stream, August 18: Himalaya Floods Hit Northern India

India At least 28 people have died and 1,500 communities have been flooded in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state following heavy rainstorms in the Himalayas, Reuters reported. Dams in the mountains are already overflowing and exacerbating the flooding, which is expected to continue with more rain forecast for the region. A break in a major […]

Ohio Lawmakers Discuss Ways to Stop Lake Erie’s Toxic Algal Blooms

Explore options from stricter fertilizer regulations to funding water plant improvements. Where the Maumee River feeds into Lake Erie, the city of Toledo relies on the lake to supply drinking water for half a million residents in northern Ohio. Intense algal blooms, which can release toxins capable of causing severe liver damage, caused the city […]

The Stream, August 15: Humans Primary Driver of Glacier Melt

Climate Change Two-thirds of glacial melting in the past 20 years was due to human-caused climate change, according to new research published in the journal Science, the Guardian reported. Researchers used computer models to identify how the role of factors like greenhouse gas emissions and land use change compared to the role of volcanic eruptions […]

The Stream, August 14: India Spending $US 1 Billion To Clean Waterways

India will spend $US 1 billion by 2017 to clean up waterways and make more water available for irrigation, Bloomberg News reported. Government officials say the plan will allow an additional 500,000 hectares of land to be irrigated. Climate Change Water supplies in some of Asia’s major rivers may be at risk as glaciers on […]

The Stream, August 13: Extreme, Record Rainfall Hits New York

Approximately 33 centimeters (13.26 inches) of rain fell in 24 hours on Long Island, New York—a record amount equal to the rainfall the area usually receives in more than two months, Reuters reported. The heavy rain led to flash flooding, closing roads and creating dangerous conditions for commuters. Water Supply San Francisco is faced with […]