Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, August 12: Study Finds Extreme Weather Increasing Globally

Climate Pauses in the jet stream are becoming more common and creating more extreme weather in mid-latitudes around the world, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, the Guardian reported. These “blocking” patterns have more than doubled during summers in the past decade, the research found. India’s […]

The Stream, August 11: Mine Spill Contaminates Rivers in Northern Mexico

Mining Approximately 10 million gallons of wastewater spilled from northern Mexico’s Buenavista copper mine last week, contaminating portions of the Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers, the Associated Press reported. The rivers provide water to a number of cities and towns in the region, including Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora state. The failure of a tailings dam […]

Lake Erie Algae Blooms Prompt New International Targets for Phosphorus

Current targets not enough to stop algal toxins. Image courtesy Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory Harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie can prompt beach closures, like this one in Sandusky Bay, Erie County, Ohio. They also pose a threat to drinking water that is supplied from the lake. The two largest algal blooms ever […]

Lake Erie Utilities and Organizations React to Algae Toxins in Drinking Water

Toledo crisis prompts calls for action, purchases of testing equipment to safeguard public health. Image courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA satellite image of harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie as of August 3. Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Communities that draw their drinking water from Lake Erie […]

The Stream, August 7: Militants Control Iraq’s Mosul Dam

Iraq Militant forces of the Islamic State have taken over the Mosul Dam in Iraq, the country’s largest dam and a strategic control point that experts say could be used as a weapon, Bloomberg News reported. The group has used dams in the past to flood areas or withhold water and electricity, but so far […]

The Stream, August 6: Water Newest Threat in China Earthquake Zone

China A lake containing 49.6 million cubic meters of water has formed in China’s Yunnan province after an earthquake and subsequent landslides blocked rivers in the region, Reuters reported, citing Xinhua. The lake continues to grow, and 4,200 people have been evacuated to avoid a massive flood if the water breaks through the natural dam. […]

Toledo Residents Told Water Is Safe

Toxin is below detectable levels in region’s drinking water Image courtesy of NOAA NOAA satellite image of harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie as of August 3. Grey indicates clouds or missing data, while cooler colors indicate low concentrations and warmer colors indicate high concentrations. Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue […]

The Stream, August 4: El Nino Not Likely to Relieve Drought in Brazil’s Hydropower Regions

Energy Dam levels are at historic lows in regions of Brazil that produce 70 percent of the country’s hydropower, Bloomberg News reported. Further, rains from an El Nino weather event are no longer likely to replenish the dam reservoirs, according to forecasters, meaning Brazil will continue to rely on thermoelectric plants to bridge the energy […]

Toledo Issues Emergency ‘Do Not Drink Water’ Warning to Residents

Algae toxins poison Lake Erie; 400,000 people without water. Photo by Scott Strazzante / Circle of Blue Efforts by the City of Toledo and other “point source” dischargers of phosphorus have not been enough to stop toxic algal blooms in Lake Erie. The city warned residents not to drink their water Saturday due to algal […]

Harmful Algal Bloom Expands in Lake Erie

Algal bloom season is here. These tools will help you keep track. A bloom of harmful cyanobacteria has grown in Lake Erie’s western basin, according to the latest bulletin released today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The bloom is concentrated in Maumee Bay, while a separate and smaller bloom has appeared in Sandusky […]

The Stream, August 1: Landslide Deathtoll Reaches 51 in India After Heavy Rains

Floods Heavy rains triggered floods and landslides in India’s Maharashtra state this week, burying towns and trapping at least 100 people, CNN reported. A death toll of 51 has been confirmed, but rescuers are still hoping to find survivors in the debris. Floods in southwest Romania raised water levels in some rivers to levels seen […]

EPA’s Proposed Veto of Alaska’s Pebble Mine in Line with Past Uses of Clean Water Act

Legal experts say process should provide certainty, not worry, for developers. Graphic © Codi Kozacek / Circle of Blue The EPA has used its 404(c) veto power 13 times since the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972.Click here for image pdf. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Restrictions proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection […]