Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, July 31: Energy Production, Population Will Place Significant Pressure on Water

Energy Energy production using current sources and technology, coupled with a growing global population, will likely lead to large water deficits by 2040, according to a new study from the CNA Corporation, Aljazeera America reported. Power generation is one of the largest uses of water in the world, but switching to energy sources like wind […]

The Stream, July 30: Report Predicts Future German Water Scarcity Due to Climate Change

Germany Higher temperatures and shifts in the timing of precipitation will create increasing water scarcity problems in eastern and southern Germany, according to a report by a parliamentary committee, Bloomberg News reported. Water supplies in Germany are also threatened by growing contamination from pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Hydraulic fracturing poses too great a danger to groundwater […]

The Stream, July 29: Gaza Power Plant Hit By Israeli Strikes, Water Rationing Urged

Residents of Gaza should begin rationing their water, warned local officials after Israeli strikes severely damaged Gaza’s only power plant, Reuters reported. The plant, which supplies two-thirds of Gaza’s energy and powers many water pumps, could take a year to repair. Extreme Weather An ongoing drought in Brazil has drawn down water levels in Sao […]

The Stream, July 28: Coastal Flooding Increasing in United States

Flooding in many coastal areas of the United States has increased since the 1950s, with some places now experiencing flooding once every three months compared to once every one to five years in the past, according to a new study released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Reuters reported. Flood frequency has increased at […]

The Stream, July 24: China Establishes Seven Water Trading Markets

China Rules for pilot water trading markets in seven Chinese provinces will be approved by October, Reuters reported. The markets could improve water use efficiency in the country, but some experts have questioned their legality under Chinese law. India India is hoping to forge closer ties with Nepal by offering to help develop hydropower in […]

The Stream, July 23: Monsoon Rains Flood Parts of India

India While some regions of India are mired in drought, the country’s eastern states are being inundated by monsoon rains, AlertNet reported. Floods have displaced 10,000 people in Odisha, where floodwaters from a major river washed into 30 communities. Agriculture A drought in Thailand and the closure of a government subsidy program for rice growers […]

The Stream, July 22: Drought Strains Food Security in Lebanon

Rainfall has been far below average in Lebanon, leading to water shortages for farmers and a drop in fruit and vegetable production, Inter Press Service reported. As a result, food prices are rising and straining food security for Syrian refugees and border communities in the country. Energy China’s National Energy Administration cautioned regional developers to […]

The Stream, July 21: Drought Spurs Water Violence in Northern India

India A drought in northern India has prompted gangs of bandits to demand a daily payment of water from local communities, the Associated Press reported. The bandits said they would shoot community members if they failed to deliver 35 buckets of water each day. Delays and deficits of monsoon rainfall are drying up farm fields […]

The Stream, July 18: Using Global Farmland Efficiently Could Feed 3 Billion More

Agriculture More than half of the fertilizer applied to farmland globally is unnecessary, while 8 to 15 percent of the water used is wasted, according to a new study published in the journal Science, the Guardian reported. Better use of resources could help current farmland produce enough food to feed 3 billion more people, the […]

The Stream, July 17: Delayed Monsoon Is Bad News for 300 Million Indians

Water Shortages India’s monsoon has so far delivered 36 percent less rain than average, and reservoir levels are below their 10-year averages, according to water officials, Bloomberg News reported. If the monsoon continues to perform poorly and dry conditions are compounded by an El Nino weather event, 333 million people in six states could face […]

The Stream, July 16: California Imposes Fines for Wasting Water During Drought

California Drought New rules passed in California Tuesday will impose up to $US 500 fines on residents caught wasting water on lawns, cars and sidewalks, NPR reported, citing the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times. Despite the severe, 3-year drought, residents in the state have not reached water conservation goals through voluntary measures alone. […]

The Stream, July 15: Air Strikes Leave Thousands in Gaza Without Water

Israeli air strikes have damaged vital water and sewage infrastructure in Gaza, according to aid agencies, compounding problems stemming from fuel shortages that have led to 90 million liters of untreated wastewater being released in the Mediterranean each day, Reuters reported. The International Committee of the Red Cross warned Tuesday that Gaza’s population will likely […]