Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, April 16: Deforestation, Not Dams, Caused Massive Amazon Flood

Extreme Weather Extreme flooding along the Madeira River in the Amazon basin, which killed 60 people and displaced 68,000 families this year, was the result of massive deforestation in Bolivia and Peru, according to a scientist who was previously the head of the Inter-American Development Bank environmental division, IPS reported. His assessment contradicts the views […]

The Stream, April 15: El Niño Predicted for Mid-Year, Bringing Extreme Weather

Weather and Water An El Niño weather pattern, in which surface water in the Pacific Ocean near the equator warms, is likely to develop this summer, according to the World Meteorological Organization and other prominent weather agencies, AlertNet reported. El Niño conditions are known for influencing extreme weather around the globe, such as flooding in […]

The Stream, April 14: Crowdsourcing Data to Map China’s Water Quality

China A startup program in China, initiated by the company behind the Taobao Marketplace, seeks to create a map of water quality across the country by allowing residents to purchase water quality testing kits and upload the results with their smartphones, Bloomberg News reported. The results will be aggregated in a map that the company’s […]

Following EPA Action, Rio Tinto Exits Alaska Pebble Mine Project

U.S. agency moves to restrict development in Bristol Bay watershed. Image courtesy EPA via Flickr Aerial view of braided wetlands and tundra that is typical of the Bristol Bay watershed in Alaska. The proposed Pebble copper mine project would sit within the watershed. The Upper Talarik Creek, shown here, flows into Lake Iliamna and then […]

The Stream, April 11: Residents of Lanzhou, China Told Not To Drink Water After Benzene Found

Water Pollution Water utility officials in Lanzhou, China, found the carcinogenic substance benzene present at levels 20 times the national limit in the city’s water supply, Xinhua reported. Approximately 2.4 million residents of the city were told to stop drinking their tap water while authorities search for the source of the benzene, which they say […]

The Stream, April 10: Water Rationing Looms in Brazil City

South America An ongoing drought has raised the prospect of water rationing in São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, Reuters reported. The city is home to 20 million people and will be one of the sites to host World Cup soccer games in June. Mining companies are slowing down their investments in Chile due to high […]

Cause of Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms Gains More Certainty

New research finds that agricultural practices lead to biggest threat to water quality and health in the Great Lakes. Image courtesy NOAA CoastWatch A MODIS satellite image shows Lake Erie’s algal bloom in October, 2011. Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Changes in the timing and method of applying agricultural fertilizer […]

The Stream, April 7: Tehran May Be Headed For Water Rationing

Water Supply Reservoir levels outside of Tehran are at a “critical level” and approximately 500 cities across Iran are facing water shortages, according to water officials in the country, Voice of America reported. Officials said water cuts could be imposed for some of the 22 million people served by Tehran’s water supply if consumption is […]

The Stream, April 4: Groundwater Levels Rise in Berlin

Water conservation has had an unintended consequence in Berlin, where groundwater levels are rising, the Economist reported. The water table, which has risen more than a meter since 1989 in some places, now threatens to flood basements and cellars in areas where approximately 200,000 people live. Water Infrastructure Mexico is directing nearly $US 23 billion […]

The Stream, April 3: Argentina is Cutting Utility Subsidies, Including Water

Water Governance Argentina plans to cut subsidies for natural gas and water by 20 percent this year, The Wall Street Journal reported. The cuts, which exempt some industrial and residential users, are meant to save as much as $US 1.6 billion to fund utility costs and social programs. A draft law in Spain could require […]

The Stream, April 2: World Bank Says $2.5 Trillion Needed for South Asia Infrastructure

Only 25 percent of people in South Asia have access to piped water supplies and more than a quarter lack access to electricity due to large gaps in infrastructure, according to the World Bank, Reuters reported. The Bank has estimated that the region needs $US 2.5 trillion in investment by 2020 to provide necessary services […]

The Stream, April 1: Lack of Scientific Data A Detriment to Nepal’s Water Management

Water Data Farmers and water managers in Nepal are lacking adequate scientific data to make informed decisions about everything from local development to crop insurance, Inter Press Service reported. Nepal’s difficult terrain and sparse monitoring networks are one reason behind the data deficiency, but scientists also say that available data is not analyzed properly. Surveyors […]