Entries by Codi Kozacek

Report: 25% of World’s Agriculture Growing in Regions of High Water Stress

A new study from the World Resources Institute shows the connection between crops and water scarcity.

The Stream, December 17: Climate Risks Underestimated By Not Taking Into Account Water, Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Health Interactions

Climate Change Under a worse-case scenario in which global temperatures rise 4 degrees Celsius, most of the world would experience interrelated stresses to water, agriculture, ecosystems, and public health, with 18 percent of the population experiencing “severe pressure” in each category, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, […]

The Stream, December 16: Electronic Waste Expected to Increase 33 Percent in Four Years, Poses Water Pollution Threat

Pollution Discarded computers, tablets, refrigerators, and other electronics are the fastest growing type of waste in the world, according to a report from the United Nations Step initiative, the Guardian reported. The toxic “e-waste”, primarily generated in the developed world, poses a serious pollution threat to the water, air and soil of developing countries, where […]

The Stream, December 13: Drought and Food Shortages Hit Malawi

Africa A severe drought in Malawi is creating food shortages and forcing women to wait all day in line at boreholes to get what little water they can, IRIN News reported. Some boreholes have dried up and residents are turning to sources that are more likely to be contaminated. Europe New, detailed maps produced by […]

The Stream, December 12: Hydropower and Bhutan’s New Democracy

Water and Government Bhutan plans to increase its hydropower capacity from 1,480 megawatts to 10,000 megawatts by 2020 in an effort to create revenue for its many public programs, journalist James Fahn explains in an op-ed for The New York Times. He also explores what the country’s new democracy—based around a principle of achieving “Gross […]

The Stream, December 11: Australia’s Government Removes Murray-Darling From Threatened Ecosystem List

Australia’s federal environment minister will no longer need to evaluate the ecological implications of large development projects for the Murray-Darling River’s floodplains, wetlands and groundwater, the Guardian reported. The federal government’s lower house voted to remove the ecosystem from a list of threatened environments, a status that some members said created unnecessary red tape. Dams […]

The Stream, December 10: Large Freshwater Reserves Discovered Under the Sea

An estimated 500,000 cubic kilometers of fresh and brackish water exist as groundwater underneath the sea floor of continental shelves, according to a new study from the Adelaide-based National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training that was published in the journal Nature. Researchers say the newly discovered reserves could help relieve water stress in some […]

The Stream, December 9: China Is Not Prepared for Climate Change, Government Says

Climate Change Despite some actions to improve ecosystem resiliency and guard against more severe weather, China remains largely unprepared to protect its people and infrastructure—such as energy and water supplies—from climate change, according to a report from the country’s National Development and Reform Commission, Reuters reported. The commission said public knowledge of climate threats and […]

The Stream, December 6: Report Details Countries at Risk of Water Wars

Countries in eastern Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are most at risk of war due to a lack of cooperation over transboundary water resources, according to a report from the Mumbai-based Strategic Foresight Group. The report also argues that countries involved in meaningful cooperation over water resources are less likely to experience conflicts over […]

The Stream, December 5: 11 U.S. Cities Face Water-Scarcity Risks

Analyzing two reports about future water stress in the United States, the Huffington Post created a list of the top 11 cities that could face water shortages due to factors like population growth, increasing water demand from industries, and climate change. Los Angeles, which imports much of its fresh water, tops the list. Water Pollution […]

The Stream, December 4: South Africa Needs Water Management

South Africa South Africa needs better cooperation between national and municipal water managers to ensure adequate supply and pollution control, according to an environmental performance review by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bloomberg News reported. South Africa’s water supplies, already scarce, are further reduced by acid mine drainage from closed gold mines. The […]

The Stream, December 3: Chinese Miners Will Pay Security Deposit for Environment

China has unveiled plans to clean up the resource extraction industry by making mining companies pay a fee to local governments for environmental funds, Reuters reported. The fee is only refunded if the company does not create pollution, and will otherwise be used to restore the environment. Wastewater Treatment Countries in the Caribbean say that […]