Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, July 22: Changing Water Management Practices in West Africa

Water Management Climate change will likely make rainfall more erratic and will necessitate new water management solutions in the Volta River Basin of West Africa, according to a new study from the International Water Management Institute, AlertNet reported. Important goals for water management in the basin include building and improving irrigation capacity, as well as […]

The Stream, July 17: U.S. Heat Wave Reveals Dangers of Aging Infrastructure

Aging U.S. Infrastructure As many as 200,000 residents of a Maryland county could be without running water for days amid an intense heat wave that is baking the U.S. East Coast, CBS News reported. Officials are shutting down one of the county’s aging water main pipes for repairs, which they say are urgent. Water shutdowns […]

The Stream, July 16: Industrialization Poses Water Pollution in Bangladesh

Water Pollution Rivers and canals in Bangladesh are becoming increasingly polluted from industrial wastewater dumped by factories, many of them in the textile industry, The New York Times reported. The toxic water threatens food production and is raising both environmental and human health concerns. Local units of two Chinese oil companies have been shut down […]

The Stream, July 15: Flooding Risk Prompts Evictions in Manila

Natural Disasters The Philippines government is cracking down on informal settlements along rivers in Manila, with plans to relocate more than 19,000 families from the settlements to permanent housing projects, AlertNet reported. The settlements, which can impede water flow and drainage during floods along rivers, are seen as a safety risk. Nearly 6,000 people are […]

The Stream, July 12: Studies Find Earthquake Risk From Pumping Water Underground

Energy and Water Pumping water underground to produce geothermal energy or to hydraulically fracture rocks could lead to large—magnitude 4 or 5—earthquakes, according to recent studies, the Guardian reported. One study found a clear correlation between underground water injection and the frequency of earthquakes. Australia’s government must decide whether or not to require a full […]

In Great Lakes, Reports Offer Reassurance and Warnings About Oil Pipeline Safety

Three studies reach differing conclusions about the vulnerability of water and land Photo courtesy Michigan Department of Natural Resources Oil is cleaned off a bird at a animal rehabilitation center following the 2010 oil spill near Marshall, Michigan. The largest inland spill in U.S. history originated from Enbridge's ruptured Line 6B. Click image to enlarge. […]

Oil Pipeline, Long Submerged in Michigan’s Deep Waters, Fuels Public Concern

A rally in St. Ignace on July 14 draws attention to the risks of ruptures and leaks when transporting fossil fuels through the Great Lakes.

The Stream, July 9: Predicting Sea Level Rise By Studying Subglacial Water

Sea Level Rise Scientists are studying the subglacial water system under the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica in the hopes of more accurately predicting sea level rise, Science Daily reported. The water underneath the glacier forms a swamp-like network of canals, researchers found. Irrigation Innovation A new form of underground irrigation being tested in China could […]

The Stream, July 5: Research Improves Response to Deliberate Drinking Water Contamination

Water Contamination In the case of a deliberate act of drinking water contamination, European cities now have a “toolbox” that will help them more quickly identify and respond to contaminants, Eurekalert reported. Researchers from six European countries developed the system, which aims to reduce the vulnerability of water supplies to terrorist attacks. China is experiencing […]

The Stream, July 3: China Faces Challenge to Clean Up Groundwater

Pollution China plans to invest $US 81.5 million by 2020 to document and mitigate groundwater pollution, Nature reported. The plan is in response to a 6-year survey of groundwater in the North China Plain that found serious levels of pollution from sources such as fertilizers and industrial waste. Climate Change The world has been warming […]

The Stream, July 2: Factory Accused of Water Pollution in Somaliland

Drinking Water Polluted water supplies are creating health concerns and driving away livestock trade in Somaliland, where locals accuse a Chinese-owned tanning factory of dumping industrial waste into the water, the Guardian reported. The company says the factory complies with local and international rules for the industry, and the government is reluctant to crack down […]

The Stream, July 1: Desalination Brings More Water to Mecca

Water Supply Mecca’s production of drinking water from desalination plants is set to increase 29 percent to 670,000 cubic meters per day, al-Madina and Bloomberg News reported. Saudi Arabia continues to expand its desalination facilities to meet growing demand for water. A pilot project in the Texas Panhandle is testing water conservation practices on farms […]