Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, January 23: Andean Glacier Melt a Risk to Water Supply

Water Supply A new study about Andean glaciers found that the pace of ice retreat in the tropical Andes is “unprecedented,” putting the water supply for many South American communities at risk, the Guardian reported. The study, published in Cryosphere, claims that an average temperature rise of 0.7 degree Celsius over 70 years is behind […]

The Stream, January 18: The Xayaburi Dam, Water Rationing, and Argentine Corn

Rivers Vietnam and Cambodia urged Laos to halt its controversial Xayaburi dam project on the Mekong River at a recent meeting of the Mekong River Commission, the Guardian reported, citing NGO International Rivers. In 2012, Laos held a formal groundbreaking ceremony for the dam, which some fear could threaten food security and wildlife. A photo […]

Water and Ice: Winter Storms Another Trial for Syria’s Refugees

More than 600,000 Syrian refugees to Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon faced a harsh onslaught of winter flooding and freezing temperatures last week. Those who have remained in the war-torn country are struggling to keep their taps running.

The Stream, January 16: Droughts and Floods Pose Public Health Risks

Public Health Floods linked to climate change, along with the increased trade of certain goods, have played an important role in the expansion of dengue fever-causing mosquitoes, AlertNet reported. Dengue is now the fastest-spreading tropical disease in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Severe drought conditions in the United States last summer […]

The Stream, January 11: Global Food Price Index Falls

U.S. Drought The Food Price Index for December 2012, released yesterday, hit its lowest point since prices began to rally in June 2012, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Index is a measure of international food commodity prices, and, driven in part by the severe drought in the […]

The Stream, January 9: West Bank Floods as Wall Blocks Drainage

Winter Storms An Israeli security barrier built mostly in occupied areas of the West Bank is blocking the drainage of flood waters after a winter storm, Reuters reported. The wall does have drainage channels, but many are closed or clogged with debris. Conditions for Syrian refugees have further deteriorated after the eastern Mediterranean region was […]

The Stream, January 3: Snowpack Looks Good for California Water Supply

California The first measure of Sierra Nevada snowpack in 2013 showed promising signs for California’s water supply, with hydraulic fracturing in the Monterey shale may be in California’s future, according to this column posted by Reuters. The state government took the first steps toward expanded fracking by publishing draft rules for the practice on December […]

The Stream, January 2: Pollution, Flooding & the Safety of Bottled Water

Pollution A pig farm in the Chinese town of Houtonglong has polluted water sources, created health problems, and made it difficult for local farmers to raise other animals, the Guardian reported. As China’s appetite for meat continues to grow, ban production at 93 iron ore mines in Goa, which were found to be contributing to […]

The Stream, December 26: China’s Big Desalination Plans

China has revealed plans to boost its desalination capacity to produce 2.2 million cubic meters (77.6 million cubic feet) of fresh water each day by 2015, Xinhua reported. The plan also calls for more than 15 percent of the water supply delivered to coastal factories to come from desalinated sea water by 2015. Winter Storms […]

The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel

Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt due to high water levels, which can impede barge movement under bridges and create dangerous waves, Reuters reported. Shipments of gasoline headed for Germany and Switzerland could get backed up as a result. A new report by the World Wide Fund […]

The Stream, December 14: Water Situation ‘Critical’ in Bulawayo

Water Shortages A severe water shortage in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest city, has officials seeking $82 million to implement mid-term solutions and warning that water rationing could continue well into 2013, News Day reported. Declining rainfall and a growing population in the region have contributed to the shortage. Dry conditions in Texas are stoking tensions […]

The Stream, December 12: Improving Agricultural Infrastructure

Upgrades to the world’s agricultural export infrastructure, such as roads, waterways and ports, needs to become a priority in order to feed a growing planet, according to the CEO of global agribusiness company Bunge, Reuters reported. Low water levels and a back-up of barge traffic on the Mississippi River have put renewed focus on grain […]