Entries by Codi Kozacek

The Stream, May 4: Thailand Invests In Water

Asia Thailand’s biggest private water company plans to invest $US 97 million to improve its water storage and pipeline capacity in order to supply the rapidly growing demand from manufacturers, Bloomberg News reported. Meanwhile, 50 of Thailand’s provinces have been declared drought-hit areas, according to the Bangkok Post. Rising sea levels and irregular rains due […]

Map: Interbasin Water Transfers in Iran

The country already has major water transfer projects moving 2,110 million cubic meters (557 billion gallons). Just two weeks ago, Iran began construction on a new $US 1.5 billion project that will transfer more water from the Caspian Sea.

The Stream, May 2: Great Lakes At Risk From Oil Spills, Study Says

United States The Great Lakes Watershed is at risk from potential oil spills due to inadequate federal regulations for pipelines, according to a new report from the National Wildlife Federation and The University of Michigan, UPI reported. In 2010, crude tar sand oil spilled from a ruptured pipe into Michigan’s Kalamazoo River. Ohio faces a […]

The Stream, April 27: Water Cycle Intensifying Faster Than Predicted

Climate change is causing the global water cycle to accelerate and intensify faster than previously thought, with the possibility that it could intensify 16-24 percent by 2100, according to a new study published in the journal Science, Nature reported. This means that dry areas of the globe will become drier, while wet regions will likely […]

The Stream, April 25: Beijing Will Face a Water Shortage

Water Supply in Asia Beijing’s water resources are expected to come up short by 1.3 billion cubic meters (343 billion gallons) this year, creating a water shortage that will be overcome by recycling water, diverting water and tapping underground water supplies, Xinhua reported. The groundwater of Mongolia’s capital city, Ulan Bator, has been found to […]

The Stream, April 20: Hydropower Threatens Amazon River

The connection between the Amazon River and its headwaters in the Andes Mountains could be partially cut by 151 proposed dams, according to a new study that is the first to look comprehensively at the ecological impacts of hydropower across the Amazon Basin, Nature reported. At least one natural gas driller has been forced to […]

The Stream, April 18: Water Conflicts In Western U.S.

Irrigators in Texas and New Mexico are unhappy with a decision by the International Boundary and Water Commission to release reservoir water to Mexico, the Associated Press reported. The U.S. farmers wanted to delay the annual water release in order to cope with drought later in the growing season, but Mexican farmers, who are dealing […]

International Review of Peru’s Conga Mine Recommends Improvements for Water

Large-scale protests over resource extraction have swept the country in recent years, posing significant hurdles to a mining industry that is expected to bring Peru $US 50 billion in future investment over the next decade.

The Stream, April 13: Insurance Market Cautions Arctic Oil Rush

Oil and Natural Gas Development Companies should think carefully about the hard-to-manage environmental risks of drilling for oil in the Arctic, warned Lloyd’s of London, the world’s biggest insurance market. Some estimates predict that investment in Arctic energy resources could reach $US 100 billion over the next decade, the Guardian reported. Royal Dutch Shell’s annual […]

The Stream, April 11: Textiles Linked to Polluted Water Discharge in China

Forty-six Chinese and multinational clothing companies are buying textiles from suppliers who are illegally discharging polluted water in China, according to a new report released by five non-governmental organizations, Xinhua reported. Scientists in Israel are worried over low water levels in the Dead Sea, which they believe to be caused in part by increased water […]

The Stream, April 6: Radioactive Water Leaks Again At Fukushima

Asia Twelve tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipeline and may have reached the sea at Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, Bloomberg News reported. The site has suffered repeated leaks, and 100,000 tons of wastewater are still being stored in basements. The World Bank is handing over $US 8 […]