The Stream, July 28, 2020: Two Great Lakes Miss All-Time High Water Levels by Mere Inches
The Global Rundown Lakes Michigan and Huron are inches away from setting all-time water level highs. Citizens of a West Virginia town have been without water for a week. Residents of the Hawaiian island of Kauai narrowly miss the wrath of Hurricane Douglas, while Hurricane Hanna continues to devastate the Texas Gulf coast. DigDeep announces […]
Jane is a Communications Associate for Circle of Blue. She writes The Stream and has covered domestic and international water issues for Circle of Blue. She is a recent graduate of Grand Valley State University, where she studied Multimedia Journalism and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. During her time at Grand Valley, she was the host of the Community Service Learning Center podcast Be the Change. Currently based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Jane enjoys listening to music, reading and spending time outdoors.