Entries by Circle of Blue

Can a major wildfire and drought package get through Congress?

Wildfire Can a major wildfire and drought package get through Congress? As the West burns, a bill aiming to prevent fires, bump firefighter’s pay and protect water resources passes the House. Emily Pontecorvo, Grist Aug. 8, 2022 Like Tweet Email Print Subscribe Donate Now Source link Circle of Blue99.198.125.162/~circl731/about/staff/#jordan

Circle of Blue and Qlik Team Up for White House Climate Data Initiative

QlikView Dashboard Visualizes and Compares California Water Reserves as Part of Choke Point: Index Coverage of Global Water Crises Qlik (NASDAQ: QLIK), a leader in user-driven business intelligence (BI), and Circle of Blue, a team of award-winning journalists and researchers reporting on water and worldwide resource issues, announced that a new data dashboard (https://www.circleofblue.org/CPX/) powered by QlikView is […]

The President’s Climate Data Initiative: Empowering America’s Communities to Prepare for the Effects of Climate Change

Circle of Blue’s partnership with Qlikview featured by the White House in their big data initiative. “Climate change is a fact.  And when our children’s children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world, with new sources of energy, I want us […]