Entries by Kayla Ritter

HotSpots H2O: Hundreds of Thousands Still Without Water In Embattled Syria

More than 400,000 people in northern Syria are short of water amid a Turkish military offensive against Kurdish forces in the region. 

The Stream, October 18, 2019: Drought Affecting 75M People Across the United States

The Global Rundown Drought spreads in the United States, with the number of affected people reaching 75 million. Water shortages remain an issue in embattled Syria. Residents of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo battle water shortages and Ebola. Researchers call for changes in water rules in Arizona. Drought in Australia spurs a “starvation […]

The Stream, October 17, 2019: Jakarta Continues to Sink Despite Groundwater Pumping Regulations

The Global Rundown Despite improvements in groundwater levels, Jakarta, Indonesia, continues to sink. The death toll from Typhoon Hagibis rises to 66 in Japan. Data shows that Swiss glaciers are melting at record rates. Michigan proposes a bill that would require filtered water at all schools and daycares. Farmers in Australia urge the government to develop […]

The Stream, October 16, 2019: Mysterious Mussel Die-Offs Disrupt Rivers in North America and Abroad

The Global Rundown Scientists search for the source of mussel die-offs in U.S. and other world rivers. An analysis of Australia’s Drought Communities Program shows that funding is sometimes used on events, equipment, or non-water infrastructure. Drought and starvation stalk pastoralists in Angola. Residents await updates months after Michigan lawmakers dismissed criminal charges related to […]

The Stream, October 15, 2019: Key Water Infrastructure Damaged in Turkish Offensive Against Syria

The Global Rundown Crucial water infrastructure is damaged in Turkey’s military offensive against Syria. Australia plans to allocate $680 million toward dams in parched New South Wales. Typhoon Hagibis leaves dozens dead after deluging parts of Japan with nearly three feet (0.9 meters) of rain. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, urges residents to use tap water. Water levels […]

HotSpots H2O: Egypt and Ethiopia Spar Over Nile River Dam in Latest Round of Talks

Negotiations over how to fill and operate a controversial dam in Ethiopia are once again deadlocked after a tense back-and-forth between two countries that hold conflicting visions of water use in the Nile River watershed.

The Stream, October 11, 2019: Ethiopia’s Capital Works to Boost Water Supply as Demand Grows

The Global Rundown Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, spearheads new water infrastructure to help combat chronic water shortages. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces new regulations on lead in drinking water. A super typhoon disrupts transportation and sporting events in Japan. New modeling predicts future interactions between humans and nature, and warns that those living in […]

The Stream, October 10, 2019: U.S. EPA Set to Tighten Standards on Lead in Drinking Water

The Global Rundown The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to announce new standards for lead in drinking water. A hospital in Washington D.C. where the legionella bacteria was discovered will be without potable water for another week. Ethiopia moves forward with construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam despite tensions with Egypt. An environmental group […]

The Stream, October 9, 2019: Use of Biosolid Sludge in U.S. Fields Linked to Water Contamination, Health Risks

The Global Rundown Questions arise over the use of human waste sludge on U.S. farmland due to evidence that the practice is polluting drinking water and sickening livestock and humans. Two communities in Michigan are under drinking water advisories after high levels of lead are found. Ethiopia accuses Egypt of maintaining a “colonial era” hold […]

The Stream, October 8, 2019: Turkey Prepares to Flood Ancient Town In Construction of Ilisu Dam

The Global Rundown The deadline arrives for residents to leave a 12,000-year-old town that will be flooded for the construction of Turkey’s Ilisu Dam. Egypt says that a deadlock has occurred in negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Sweltering temperatures and minimal precipitation continues to affect the Southern United States. Farmers in Argentina’s grain […]

HotSpots H2O: India’s Monsoon Season, Wettest in 25 Years, Comes to an End

Following a slow start, India was deluged this year with its heaviest monsoon rains in a quarter century.

The Stream, October 4, 2019: Flash Drought Deepens in 14 Southern U.S. States

The Global Rundown A flash drought worsens in 14 states across the southern U.S. Tainted water from a luxury estate containates an already-depleted waterway in Queensland, Australia. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cites San Francisco, California, for water pollution, a move threatened by President Donald Trump last month. A hospital in Southeast Washington has been […]