Entries by Keith Schneider

Michigan’s New Natural Gas Rush: Energy and Water in Play

Unprecedented mineral leasing could be big for energy production and hydraulic fracturing.

70 Percent of Himalayan Glaciers Gone by Next Century, Studies Say

Photographic and scientific evidence shows that the melting third pole is still devastating the region

Coming Era of Water Scarcity Will Prompt Global Industrial Transformation, According to Survey of International Experts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Population growth, urban development, farm production, and climate change is increasing competition for fresh water and producing shortages so acute that virtually every industry in the world anticipates sweeping systemic transformation over the next decade in their strategic planning, production practices, and business models.

Climate Deal Not Accepted By All, But Copenhagen Conference Makes It “Operational”

COPENHAGEN—Seven countries, led by the tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, this morning declined to accept the Copenhagen Accord that was reached late last night.

Late Night Deal At Copenhagen Conference Seen As First Step

As the Copenhagen conference comes to a close, U.S. President Barack Obama announces climate deal while Sudanese leader Lumumba Di-Aping says developing nations should block the agreement.

Analysis: U.S. Senator Inhofe’s Denier Rhetoric Not Heard in Copenhagen

The Obama administration revealed more commitments for climate action even as a U.S. naysayers, Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, touched down for a few hours in Copenhagen to deny that a problem existed at all.

Final Week of Copenhagen, the Last Act of Negotiations Remains Unclear

Like all spellbinding human dramas the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which today entered its second and last week, represents the accumulated chapters of an urgent script – the fate of the planet.

Big Copenhagen Demonstration – Noisy, Colorful, Insistent – Pushes For Climate Action

COPENHAGEN – Great social movements are about the intelligence and vision of individuals, and the compelling strength of crowds. Both have been in abundance throughout the first week of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and especially today.

U.S. Charm Offensive at Copenhagen Climate Conference: Will it Work?

Our second installment of COP15 coverage reflects on the overdue, yet changing tide of American climate policy.

A Campaign of Deceit Underlies Stolen Email Messages

Circle of Blue’s senior editor, Keith Schnieder, starts his Copenhagen coverage revealing the real value of the climate email controversy.

Keith Schneider: Climate Treaty Will Come After COP15

It’s been 30 years since scientists first gained a clear understanding of the dangerous consequences of continuously adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. This week during the five days of negotiations in Barcelona the world learned again that the formula for solving global warming is a diplomatic chemistry problem that still defies a solution.

Delegates Seek More Definition, Much More, in Barcelona Climate Talks

Circle of Blue’s senior editor, Keith Schneider, lays the backdrop for the climate negotiations, highlighting the United States’ shortfalls.