Entries by Keith Schneider

Chased by Drought, Rising Costs, and Clean Technology, India Pivots on Coal-Fired Power

World’s third-largest coal user joins China and U.S. in shift from black fuel.

Gina Lopez, Philippine Environment Secretary, Pursues Watershed Protection

Clear goals to enforce pollution laws jeopardize the new secretary’s job.

Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]

Perspective: The Age of Disruption Powers a Global Awakening

By Keith Schneider CHENNAI, INDIA — The last time I can recall a civic awakening as big, gallant, and well-intentioned as the mammoth demonstrations that occurred here in the capital of Tamil Nadu, and in American cities last weekend, I’d just turned 14 years old. On April 22, 1970 the United States celebrated the first […]

World Bank Loan to India Leads to Water-Damaging Projects

Report finds that a generation after withdrawing big loan for hydro project the World Bank is back with indirect financing. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue In the pantheon of public campaigns to block big hydropower projects around the world, the fight to stop the Sardar Sarovar dam in India belongs in the hall of […]

Water Safety Activism in Rural Red States Impedes Fossil Energy Development

Opposition to a big pipeline in Kentucky is a case in point. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue BEREA, KY — President-elect Donald J. Trump’s aggressive and unorthodox election campaign included a pledge to dismantle impediments to the speedy development of America’s reserves of fossil fuels. In pursuit of that goal, Trump this week named […]

At Standing Rock – Water, History, and Finance Converge As Sioux Nation Mounts Storied Battle Over Dakota Access Pipeline

Oil pipeline could be stranded asset in the making. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue Heavy snow and winter cold settled this month on thousands of Native Americans and their supporters encamped on the banks of the Cannonball River, some 30 miles south of Bismarck, North Dakota. Nearby, the Missouri River slipped past. The river’s […]

In Water-Scarce Regions Desalination Plants Are Risky Investments

Four big plants in Australia are stranded assets.   By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue Earlier this year, during India’s deepest drought in decades, local authorities in central Maharashtra reported the highest rainfall deficit in the country. Water levels behind dams dropped so far that reservoirs had bathtub rings of dried sand and mud. Puddles […]

Financiers Express Concern About Missouri River Pipeline Crossing

Conflict over water supplies and land makes investors nervous This story was updated on November 18, to reflect DNB bank leaders announcement that they sold a $US 3 million stake in the pipeline’s builder. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue Executives of Energy Transfer Partners, builders of the Dakota Access Pipeline, expressed a sigh of […]

Protests Over Water Safety, Bank Financing Rock Bangladesh Coal Plants

Rampal coal-fired generating station is defended by government, opposed by UN, and assailed by Bangladesh citizens. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue In 2010, when Bangladesh drew up its Power Sector Master Plan to develop thousands of new megawatts of coal-fired electricity, the government also bought 742 hectares (1,834 acres) of bottomland along the Passur River. […]

World Bank Tribunal Rules Against El Salvador Gold Mine Involved in Water Conflict

El Dorado decision, seven years in the making, raises risk of stranding big infrastructure projects. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue When eastern El Salvador’s deep veins of gold, silver, and copper were first identified in the 1960s, the global mining industry operated under accepted rules of exploration that gave scant attention to water supply and […]

World Bank, Despite Promises, Finances Big Coal and Industrial Projects That Threaten Water, Communities

Investigation finds International Finance Corporation invests big in industrial development banks. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue In 2013, GNP Power, a Philippine energy developer, began generating power from its Mariveles coal-fired electrical generating station on the Bataan Peninsula about 173 kilometers (107 miles) south of Manila, the capital. Philippine authorities and company executives hailed the […]