Entries by Laura Gersony

HotSpots H2O: ‘We Have Nowhere Left To Go’: Durban’s Affordability Crisis Pushed Development into Flood Zones

Homes in high-risk flood zones are the only affordable option for Durban’s poorest residents.

FRESH: Wisconsin Judge Strikes Down Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Cleanup Rule

April 19, 2022 Fresh is a biweekly newsletter from Circle of Blue that unpacks the biggest international, state, and local policy news stories facing the Great Lakes region today. Sign up for Fresh: A Great Lakes Policy Briefing, straight to your inbox, every other Tuesday. — Laura Gersony, Fresh Editor This Week’s Watersheds A court […]

FRESH: U.S. Lawmakers Propose Great Lakes Federal Agency

April 5, 2022 Welcome to Fresh! Two countries, eight states, five lakes — and 84 percent of the continent’s surface fresh water. As water crises beset North America, all eyes are on the Great Lakes and the leaders, systems, and rules that govern them. Let Circle of Blue reporters guide you through the biggest international, […]

HotSpots H2O: In Besieged Ukraine, Water Again a Locus of Conflict

Water has long been a source of geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Three weeks into the Russian invasion, the damage is mounting.

HotSpots H2O: Polluted Rivers, Scarce Water, Sinking Capital: Report Warns of Dire Water Threats Facing Indonesia

Depending on how effectively they are addressed, water issues could slice 7 percent from Indonesia’s GDP in 2045—or boost it by 3 percent.

The Stream, January 26, 2022: U.S. Supreme Court Will Consider Limiting Wetlands Legislation

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that may narrow the scope of a landmark environmental law.

HotSpots H2O: As Dust Settles in Tonga After Volcanic Eruption, Drinking Water Now the ‘Biggest Life-Saving Issue’

Ocean water and volcanic ash have contaminated the drinking water of tens of thousands of people in the Pacific island nation.

The Stream, January 19, 2022: Black Chicagoans Hold Ten Times More Water Debt Than White Residents

A new study sheds light on the staggering racial disparities of water debt in Chicago.

HotSpots H2O: In Chile’s Lithium Mines, Climate and Environment Are Dueling Priorities

A battle is brewing over the future of lithium, an essential component of the world’s transition to renewable energy.

The Stream, January 12, 2022: New Study Issues Grim Forecast For California’s San Joaquin Valley

A new report found that the average annual temperature in the San Joaquin Valley could increase by four degrees within three decades.

The Stream, January 6, 2022: Rain Forecasts Could Boost Brazil’s Electricity Sector

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Officials detect toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in a Wisconsin water well. Hawaii upholds an order requiring the Navy to drain fuel tanks which contaminated residents’ water last month. New rain forecasts in Brazil could reduce the electricity sector’s need for financial aid. Opponents of a West Virginia oil pipeline challenge a water permit […]

HotSpots H2O: 100,000 Displaced as Water Scarcity Ignites Ethnic Clashes in Cameroon

Climate change has made rainfall in the Sahel more variable, straining Cameroon’s agriculture industry and sparking ethnic tensions.