Entries by Nadya Ivanova

The Stream, August 31: Leaked U.S. Cables Reveal Perception of Chinese Environmentalism

Extreme levels of radiation have been detected in soil within 40 kilometers of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Asahi Japan Watch reported, citing the country’s Science Ministry. China The Guardian’s Jonathan Watts ploughs through thousands of diplomatic cables and highlights what U.S. diplomats in China have reported about China’s fledgling environmental movement. […]

The Stream, August 30: Assessing U.S. Hurricane and Drought Damage

Hurricane Irene killed at least 28 people, caused an estimated $2.6 billion in damage, and cut electric power to more than 6 million homes and businesses across the eastern United States. Bloomberg summarizes the damage state by state. And more information from New York Magazine. United States In Texas, the driest spell in the state’s […]

The Stream, August 29: State Department Report Backs Tar Sands Pipeline

The proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Project, designed to carry crude from the oil sands in Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast, will have minimal impact on the environment, according to the final environmental impact assessment report released last Friday by the U.S. State Department, Politico reported. But the State Department insists the fate of the […]

The Stream, August 26: New Jersey Issues Ban on Fracking

New Jersey has issued a one-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, pending more study of the technology used to produce oil and gas from shale formations, Reuters reported. Brazilian scientists said they found indications of a potentially huge underground river flowing thousands of feet beneath the Amazon River, Associated Press reported. SustainAbility recaps a panel session […]

The Stream, August 25: Dams – China’s Ticking Time Bombs

Southern Weekend, one of China’s major investigative news agencies, reveals that hydropower dams throughout China “are like ticking time bombs”: beset by disaster, safety flaws, poor construction, neglect and fraud. Probe International discloses some of the never-before-reported findings in an English translation of the original Southern Weekend investigation. Foreign Affairs analyzes how the international community […]

The Stream, August 24: Shale Gas In The Colorado River Basin

About 30 million people from Wyoming to Southern California who get their water supply from the Colorado River could face unprecedented water shortages if oil shale development increases in the Colorado River Basin, and climate change continues to disrupt patterns of rain and snow, Reuters reported, citing a new report by the Natural Resources Defense […]

The Stream, August 23: If the Yangtze River Runs Dry

Can the Yangtze, Asia’s longest river, run dry? According to a new study by geologist Fan Xiao of the Sichuan Geology and Mineral Bureau in China, the “fate of the Yangtze is sealed,” as rampant hydropower construction will soon trap its entire flow. Population growth and water stress are driving the world to a food […]

The Stream, August 22: World Water Week 2011

Deutsche Welle highlights some of the pressing topics on the agenda of this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm, which over the next six days will focus on the growing challenges of securing water for the world’s booming urban areas. Efforts to boost agricultural production to feed the world’s rising population could lead to widespread […]

The Stream, August 19: Meeting U.S. Energy Demand

Is there common ground in analyzing financial systems and ecosystems, and are there similarities between the current economic and ecological crises? This Yale Environment 360 opinion piece argues that the Ponzi scheme of hyper-consumerism is approaching the equivalent of the Lehman collapse in 2008. Norwegian oil producer Statoil pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges related […]

The Stream, August 18: Floods in Pakistan

A year after heavy monsoon rains devastated southern Pakistan, new floods have forced more than a million Pakistanis out of their homes and damaged crops in Sindh province, Bloomberg reported. Water Pollution Accidents There is no “real way” of capturing the fuel that leaked into the Missouri River in Iowa from Enterprise Products Partners’ natural […]

The Stream, August 17: Invasive Species in Lake Michigan

Has Lake Michigan become unfishable? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the lake is now “a liquid desert” as overfishing and the invasive quagga mussels have decimated its fish population. High global food prices and price volatility have compounded the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, according to the World Bank Group’s latest Food […]

The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees

The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi, Ganges-Brahmaputra and the Yangtze rivers contain some of the largest, most vulnerable populations to climate change. Lester Brown explores how raging storms and rising seas will create climate refugees around the globe. Agriculture vs. Industry Is genetically modified corn for ethanol production in the United […]