Entries by Nadya Ivanova

Environment to Round off GDP as Measure of Europe’s Success

european union recessionAt a time when Europe struggles to emerge from economic recession, the European Union vows to create indicators for its well-being that go beyond calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Wildlife Elephants Fall Victims to Kenya’s Drought

More than 40 elephants have died in the past two months in the Laikipia, Isiolo and Samburu districts, as the severe drought challenges Kenyan wildlife’s capacity to feed itself.While a prolonged dry spell continues to plague Kenya, wildlife experts worry that the country’s 23,000 elephants might be in danger.

Deadly Water Surge Severs South – North Korea Ties

A river surge threatens to pour cold water over the already tense relations between North and South Korea.

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to Famine

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to FamineKenya is looking for an exit from a prolonged drought that is challenging the country’s capacity to feed itself.

Water Conservation Tests Germany’s Sewer Infrastructure

German Water Works :: Infrastructure not built for Low-FlowAlthough Germans use less water than ever before, sewage treatment officials in the country call for households to turn their taps on more often.

Taiwanese Village Blames Water Project for Typhoon Disaster

A water project in Taiwan is causing widespread discontent in a local community affected by this month’s Typhoon Morakot.

Cholera Returns to Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Cholera OutbreakZimbabwe and international organizations fear another cholera outbreak might spread in the African country after 12 new cases of the waterborne disease were registered in a rural district last week

India Turns to Imports to Refill Depleted Food Stocks

India is taking major steps to alleviate the effects of its devastating drought.

Russia Plans Water Infrastructure Overhaul

Russia vows for mass checks and upgrades of its creaking water infrastructure.