Entries by Sarah Haughn

Figures find fewer British beaches bathable

Beaches in England greet swimmers with water not as clean as two years ago. Since 2006, the percentage of safe water bodies has decreased from 99 to 97 percent. European standards remain some of the most stringent across the globe, however Dr Paul Leinster, chief executive of the Environment Agency, told the Telegraph, “Bathing water […]

Ghana to get pipeline in two years

Due for completion in 2009, the Ghana Water Company is set to build an 80 kilometer pipeline to supply its urban areas with potable water. It also intends to supply a handful of water meters. The project should cost around 76 million dollars. The government has been asked to resettle those nearby who are displaced […]

Gargle this: New Mexico identifies new aquifer, water briny

New Mexico’s Sandoval County recently stumbled upon what could be 100 years worth of water. After pumping six million dollars into exploration of the aquifer, county officials now believe the source runs deep enough and contains enough water to merit treatment. As the water is briny, expensive desalination efforts are required to bring the resource […]

Israeli invention extracts water from air

Taking advantage of the air’s humidity, a company in Israel is experimenting with a process that wrings the wind of its moisture. Using absorption, dessication and condensation processess, the company — called Extracting Water from Air — claims the extraction requires little energy and pollutes neither the water nor the air. Read more here. Source: […]

Liquid Assets: Documentary chronicles water infrastructure

For every urban mile a person treads, a tangle of pipes curls beneath the surface upon which she steps. “Liquid Assets,” a documentary produced by Pennsylvania State University, chronicles the current status of the infrastructure that delivers water to the U.S. population, from its success to its dire need for repair. The film airs on […]

Opinion: Middle East should form Water Union

Perhaps the conflicts in the Middle East might be easier to solve when civilians can meet their everyday water and energy needs, suggests former Israeli foreign minister Ben Ami. Ami believes the answer to unrest in the region might be very similar to the answer post-war Europe embraced: create a union, a Middle East Water […]

Aesthetic irrigation requires approval, Georgia decides

Despite a significant drought in much of the American Southeast, gardeners and landscapers have found a way to water their turf. Georgia Urban Agriculture Council’s Outdoor Water Use Registration Program asks lawn lovers and garden gurus to pass a test that proves their knowledge of less water-intensive species and sustainable water use methods. Those certified […]

Engineers develop platelet patch up for England’s water pipes

England may soon bid farewell to inconvenient road construction and interrupted water supplies. Engineers at Yorkshire Water are ready to test a new technology that aims to fix leaks in water pipes from the inside out. Inspired by the human body, the pipe doctors plan to avoid costly and cumbersome repair projects through the use […]