Entries by Sarah Haughn

Texas residents still lack water as EPA grant expires, unspent

SANTA ROSA, Texas – A recent EPA audit revealed that a $4 million grant to the city of Santa Rosa was never spent, according to a report from the Associated Press. The grant, intended to provide low-income neighborhoods called colonias with water and sewage infrastructure, expired in 2002. Investigators blame lax oversight from the EPA, […]

Dam Projects Historically Controversial in California

CALIFORNIA – On the West Coast of the United States, convincing people to support dam construction remains a historically laborious feat. As California endures drought conditions and struggles to find ways to stay hydrated, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Senator Dianne Feinstein are proposing a $9.3 million bond for water that includes the construction of new […]

Lawmakers want study of water system

BAINBRIDGE, Georgia – U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Fla) and Florida Sens. Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez are seeking a National Academy of Sciences study of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin to help resolve the nearly three-decade battle between Florida, Alabama and Georgia over how the rivers and reservoirs are used and managed. Greater Atlanta relies heavily […]

Calif. water levels historically low

CALIFORNIA – California’s second-largest storage reservoir will end this year with the lowest amount of water in more than 30 years, Department of Water Resources Director Lester Snow said Monday. Snow spoke at a congressional hearing on California’s drought in Fresno, where farmers, climate change experts and area politicians testified about the financial impacts wrought […]

Sugar-soaked Everglades deserve restoration, Florida governor decides

OKEELANTA, Florida – The golden days for sugar giants in Florida, who have made their profit at the peril of the Everglades, may soon be waning, reports Reuters. A long-time subsidizer of sugar barons, the U.S. government is paying more attention to the consequences its sweet tooth has visited upon one of the nation’s most […]

Jam of jellyfish in Hudson River takes New Yorkers by surprise

NEW YORK – Whether from a lack of rain, cold water surges from the south, or waste-infused runoff, the lion’s mane jellyfish have arrived early to New York’s Hudson River, reports the New York Times. On Sunday, the nebulous creatures gave unsuspecting triathletes a painful message–stinging many as they dove into the waters. Lifeguards have […]

Liquid asset entrances public, as scientists explore the possibility of water on Mars

WASHINGTON – On a routine trip to Mars last month, the Mars Phoenix Lander scratched the surface of the Martian soil and uncovered what to NASA scientists seemed to be frozen water. “What does this mean for habitability? It’s very strong,” Brown University’s John Mustard, who worked on the study, supposed. “It wasn’t this hot, […]

Runaway runoff results in EPA sue-age

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida – With algae abloom in Florida waterways, five environmental groups sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday for what they believe is a violation of the Clean Water Act, Naples News reports. The algae, feeding on runoff nutrients, threaten to eutrophicate bodies of water and reduce biodiversity. According to the […]

Vandalism could cause illegal immigrants’ death by dehydration

According to a story posted on SignOnSanDiego, water jugs placed just across the U.S.-Mexico border have been vandalized. A group, known as Water Station, maintains 42 gallon containers of water in the desert. The project is an effort to prevent immigrants illegally crossing from Mexico from dying of thirst. Founder John Hunter says “people use […]

Bond races to rescue South American reservoir in Quantum of Solace

The newest James Bond flick, perpetuating its Casino Royale pursuits, puts a betrayed 007 to work chasing after sinister CIA-linked opportunist Dominic Greene. As Bond discovers, Greene intends to take over a seemingly barren piece of land, which actually harbors beneath its arid facade one of South America’s largest reservoirs. Read more about Bond’s attempt […]