Entries by Sarah Haughn

Opinion: Canada’s water woes steeped in irony

CANADA-Paul Berton, Editor-in-Chief of the London Free Press, takes note of the Canadian government’s decreased attention to water issues. He points out that the country’s high rate of water consumption is second only to the United States. Read more here Source: London Free Press Sarah Haughn99.198.125.162/~circl731/about/staff/#Sarah

WHO report: Poor water & sanitation cause “9% of global disease burden”

GENEVA – According to the World Health Organization’s June 2008 report on water and health, “unsafe water, inadequate sanitation or insufficient hygiene” practices engender at least nine percent of the global disease burden. The burden inordinately affects countries such as Angola, where water-related health issues cause twenty-four percent of deaths. Authors of the report conjecture […]